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Saturday, November 11, 2006

A dirty, despicable cadena, violating all electoral dispositions

Let me put it this way: as I type, my TV Alo Ciudadano talk show (AS WELL AS ALL PRIVATE TV NETWORKS AND RADIO STATIONS ALL ACROSS VENEZUELA) IS FORCED TO TRANSMIT STATE PRO CHAVEZ PROPAGANDA. During this transmission we are seeing all sorts of alleged "achievements" of Chavez. It is a cadena.

Why is this an electoral crime that should be swiftly punished by the CNE?

It is naked propaganda. Chavez appears always in a red shirt.

It is shamelessly self promoting.

It is a violation of the limited time that each candidate everyday has on all airwaves.

Why should it also be considered a crime?

It is an abuse of power.

It is a naked robbery to the income of private media which rely on paid advertisement to survive.

It is an intolerable intromission into the lives of private citizens.

It is paid with tax payer money without any supervision or any acceptation: polls show that the majority of the public condemns the abuse of cadenas made by Chavez.

Why should it be considered as a vile violation of all that ethics and morality are?

The opposition is NOT ALLOWED to do the same.

The opposition candidates (as well as private citizens) are not allow to have a cadena for a general rebuttal.

Some of the stuff Chavez said right now are just plain lies, and nobody can question him, call him on his lies.

Chavez promised not to use cadenas for campaign purposes and he has started doing so. He lied and it is on record.

Why am I happy anyway?

Because it shows that the government has run out of ideas, out of themes to excite the population, out of people to cheer Chavez in the streets, that it is desperately trying to avoid a real debate on Chavez pseudo achievements. When a government is left with crass brain wash as it last option, well, then you know its true worth.

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