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Friday, November 17, 2006

Predictions of Venezuela electoral results

As I keep musing about the individual state results (assuming that we do have clean elections, still a big IF) I have thought about an easier way to present my predictions. In this self explanatory picture I hope that readers will be able to observe the mood variation in the country. From a strong result in 2004 for Chavez to a weaker one 3 months after even as the opposition started to implode. Today's polling results are a more modest 7 to 10% for Chavez and they offer the opposition a chance for at least a few picks. The hold of Chavez is weakening over the country as many get bored with him and as many of his underlings are proving themselves to be quite incompetent chaps.

I will update this graph at least once before the election. Click graph to enlarge.

PS: added later. from the images of the San Cristobal "avalancha" it looks that I could already score Tachira deep blue...

-The end-

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