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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The supporters of Rosales

A couple of weeks ago I was describing the "white supporters" of Rosales. With this now more than old canard circulated outside the country, we are supposed to believe that the only meager opposition to Chavez consists of a few hysterical blond haired women and a few whities smoking cigars in some banks plotting how much money to take out of Venezuela. Even inside the country chavismo tries to circulate that preconception, but with much less success: we know better here. Unfortunately for chavismo the polls are rising in favor of Rosales, and if this one might still not have overtaken Chavez, it remains that with 40% in the polls, that would leave a lot of rich white people in Venezuela. No? Not to mention that the only people that seem these days to take billions of dollars out of Venezuela are chavistas (though I have not been able to verify that they are smoking Cuban cigars while they send the money out).

Anyway, Alek has sent me some pictures from the Rosales rally in Guanare and I could not pass the opportunity to show the white opposition to Chavez again. See, Guanare is a well known area where many blondes and bankers live, so many of them in fact that they can fill up an avenue. Amazing! Will wonders ever cease!

Pictures of course will be worth thousand words, as you will se next. Enjoy!

You have got to love the enthusiasm in this last picture!

By the way, are these the happily employed according to government statistics? That is, when they are thoroughly checked for accuracy.

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