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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Update on predictions

As I might not be able to post regularly for a few days I decided to update my predictions before I leave. Thus this second installment updated to today and including the rousing success of Rosales in Tachira and unexpectedly in Aragua. I also assumed that the bridge in Bolivar will reinforce Chavez after he was weakened by the La Paragua massacre where now a few military are indicted. For once the government has acted as it should have acted, though the miner plight remains the same.

I have added the electoral population in each state, putting it in the recall election column to avoid making yet an additional column. The states were sorted as follows: states with 1 million or more electors, states with more than half a million electors, states with more than 400 thousand and states with less than 400 thousand. With the percentage of each. In a later entry I will give the split but by regions. Thus if I still do give Chavez as a winner, the race is tightening and Chavez should worry that Rosales is creeping strongly in the large electoral states. Click to enlarge.

-The end-

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