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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mercenaries in action: the red shirts S.A.?

I have been off the news these past few days. Trying to finish all of this year work to be able to close shop for three weeks and finishing a move is just so taking that I missed this new evidence of fascism within chavismo. Yesterday and today students who tried to put flowers at the Bolivar squares of Valencia and Caracas were beaten up by chavista loiterers. Apparently according to the revolutionary credo Bolivar only belongs to Chavez and his followers. Only they have the right to invoke his name, only Chavez can interpret adequately Bolivar thoughts. If such interpretation changes over time nobody minds within chavismo.

Let's go back to the article I translated earlier today during my lunch break. Juan Barreto, outgoing mayor of metro Caracas had hundreds to thousands of people on his payroll whose sole function was to keep up political agitation. Apparently Diosdado Cabello also has such payroll in Miranda state. How many other chavista governor or mayors do have such payrolls? Why do these people need to pay red shirts SA, shooting people, harassing political activities, defacing buildings, etc, etc...? Was chavismo so lacking in arguments so long ago that it made it a sate policy to hire violence? Because resorting to violence is the outlet of people who lost the argument.

But there is more evidence on how far along the road of violence chavismo is, which can be expressed in other ways than just fist fights. Siemens admitted paying bribes, millions of dollars in bribes to Venezuela officials to get subway contracts. Are we hearing any follow up by chavismo on that? No, nothing at all. But speedily the judicial system of Venezuela did ask the US for eventual holdings of Rosales in the US. That is right, Rosales possible villa in Miami is a matter of utmost importance but all the villas bought by the Antonini group and the now the Siemens group is something that chavismo cannot be bothered with. Another hallmark of fascism.

-The end-

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