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Thursday, March 04, 2010

It does not go away, no matter how Chavez lashes out

This morning I was having my tea watching the Spanish TV, "desayunos con TVE".  Sure enough the infamous clip of Chavez yesterday demanding that Zapatero bug off, making an indirect mockery of the independent judiciary of Spain was one of the topics.  The format is very simple: a TVE anchor invites three personalities from the press or academia to discuss the events of the day.  What they said is irrelevant, what is important was their tone toward Chavez, even from the socialist sympathizers: he is a clown, and lacks credibility.  No redundancy as a great clown can have credibility, you know....

Because let's face it, Chavez might have screamed more than usual yesterday, the issue of FARC/ETA support is not going away.  A scan through the Spanish news will let you know that if you have any doubt.  Moratinos might try to soft pedal the issue by saying that Spain is only asking for explanations, it remains that they are asking for explanations, that they are obliged to do so and if they do not get them, well, who knows what can happen.  It is not alone Zaptero or Moratinos, even the defense minister spoke on that during an hearing at the European parliament.  That is, we are talking now of an European issue!

The right opposition in Spain has already served notice that they are monitoring closely the situation and the left in charge cannot allow this to become an electoral issue.  And the judicial power of Spain insists that the investigation continues.  Why Chavez, or his ambassador in Spain cannot understand that is amazing, and a witness on how idiotic these people have become (or always were?).  I mean, saying that ht US is behind a Spanish judge of the highest level will make blood curl in any Spaniard, proud of their Garzon and the like!  Only the idiotest of idiots supporting Chavez can buy such an argument.  Admittedly, likely too many of them still...

The anger of Chaevz was probably due to other news coming from the OAS.  And if he did not know that yesterday as he spoke, I cannot wait for his reactions today.  See, the OAS stated discussing the IACHR report that demonstrated the degradation of Human Rights in Venezuela.  And it went ugly.  The scumbag into what turned Chaderton, Venezuela representative at the OAS, tried to discredit the IACHR because it did not take a stand on the 1989 Caracazo (1).  But the attending ambassadors certainly would not be swayed by such a silly argument since after 11 years of chavismo Venezuela itself has failed to act significantly on this issue.  If Chaderton has only that argument left, well, I almost feel sorry for him.  One to fight back in support of the IACHR was the Argentine ambassador who is grateful about what the IACHR did during the dark years of military repression in Argentina.  That Argentina turned against Chavez, and Chaderton, must have left them livid after all he money they sunk with the Kirchners!

To add insult to injury Canada, Panama and the US asked the obvious: why not let the IACHR go to Caracas.  Implying that this would be the best way for the IACHR to study the Venezuelan government justifications, if they have any.   This while Hillary in Brasilia criticized Chavez record, in Lula's home nothing less, thus hitting Lula from two sides, Iran included.

1) Chaderton is either ill informed or a liar because the IACHR has taken action about the Caracazo!


  1. Juan Cristobal5:52 PM

    By the way - tea...? For breakfast? Is the coffee scarcity that bad? Or are you more British than I suspected?

  2. Juan Cristobal5:52 PM

    The Spanish government long ago lost any credibility vis-a-vis Chavez. He feels he can treat them any way he wants because of Moratinos & co.'s juicy deals with Venezuela (Repsol, Iberdrola, etc.).

    Chavez may not have the petrodollars he used to have, but Spain has no leverage either. Already they are starting to backtrack, saying that Zapatero did not want "explanation" but merely wants to ask some questions.

  3. Juan Cristobal

    Indeed, the Spanish government has little leverage. That is why I am following this with so much relish: who has the more pull on Zapatero, Chavez or the PP? Will the blackmail on sweet deals with Moratinos et al. be stronger than losing a vote of confidence in parliament when the whole thing explodes for real?

    There is a real possibility that the much weakened Zapatero government could fall on this if it does not manage it well. the PP is smelling blood. And I have no sympathy for the PSOE. They dealt with Chavez pretending that they would be just fine and they keep receiving slap after slap, no matter how many deals they make with Chavez and Cuba.

  4. Juan Cristobal

    I will have you know that French folks consume per capita more high brow tea than the British. But on garbage tea the Brits win hands down (you know, the Litpon yellow label and such crap).

    I furnish myself at Mariage Freres whenever I can, or at fancy oriental stores in the US (or Teavana). I have usually about 20 types of tea at home, from delicate White Tea to strong black blends for breakfast. I have breakfast with tea except on Sunday (there is something to be said for leisure newspaper reading with café au lait and croissants that I buy in Caracas and freeze to warm up in San Felipe). And whenever I can I have on my own a full pot of tea at 5 PM (I have currently 4 type of tea pot according to the type of tea plus about two dozens of tea "cups" including a Japanese wooden one).

    And yes, there is shortage of coffee but see if I care :)

    In truth I had to stop coffee because I linked it with my fequent migraines. Now I can have at most "un con leche" once a day, preferably mid morning.

  5. When rhetoric does not serve to protect National interests, we begin to have serious problems.Self respect and protection against terrorism should be a priority instead of benefits from some oil business.

    The Spanish government in introducing the need for legal proof in a situation where everyone knows damn well what is going on.

    The question I ask is : how high a bar do you set for proof?Do you give the Chavez government the benefit of the doubt in saying that the judge said there were only indications but not actual proof of the the Chavez/FARC/ETA connections?

    The Spanish wiggle more than a snake when it comes to confronting Chavez.After Chavez told them he had nothing to explain, they fearfully- cowardly exclaim "We will wait anyway for an explanation from Chavez"

  6. OT: Several of us coffee drinkers have noticed that the quality of Cafe' Madrid has gone down since expropriation...apparently commies can't roast.

    Back to the topic. I am hoping the PP pushes this to the limit.

    And...Will the EU get involved any way? Especially since Spain currently holds the EU Presidency as I understand.

  7. I furnish myself at Mariage Freres whenever I can, or at fancy oriental stores in the US (or Teavana). I have usually about 20 types of tea at home, from delicate White Tea to strong black blends for breakfast. I have breakfast with tea except on Sunday (there is something to be said for leisure newspaper reading with café au lait and croissants that I buy in Caracas and freeze to warm up in San Felipe). And whenever I can I have on my own a full pot of tea at 5 PM (I have currently 4 type of tea pot according to the type of tea plus about two dozens of tea "cups" including a Japanese wooden one).

    ZOMG! Deh counter-revolution is doomed!

    heheheheh and jajaja

    /end before Fraser joke

  8. Nothing beats a cold iced tea on a hot day.

  9. half empty

    i am afraid you are right. then again there is proably not 100 people in venezuela with such a tea obsession.

  10. Well take heart in what my Dad always said....

    "Anything worth doing,..... is worth doing to excess."

    Not certain who he was quoting.

  11. 1979 Boat People8:21 AM


    This one for you Daniel.

    World’s Most Expensive Green Tea

    I am a tea lover.

  12. I'm not a tea party kind of gal.I drink my " tea" alone, and in silence.

    Some folks are very highbrow, sophisticated tea drinkers. Maybe we can even experience an “intellectual high” while sharing a cup of tea in their presence. Ta-dah.

    I only like ginger "tea" made fierce and feisty with lots of fresh roots.Sometimes I even add peppercorns for a greater spicy 'punch'.It seems to invigorate my soul when drunk piping hot.

    What other kinds of tea drinkers can we find on this blog?

    Interesting to think about ;)

  13. Boludo Tejano4:36 PM

    Coche de fuego: What other kinds of tea drinkers can we find on this blog?

    Yerba mate, sin palo and ground fine on the spot, drunk as tea. No bombilla for me. Gunpowder green, in much smaller amounts.

  14. boludo

    that bombilla passed around... grosssssss

    i would be a terribel argentine, refusing to share my mate gourd

  15. cochonette

    as far as i am concerned tea is made of camellia sinensis. everything else is an infusion, though small amount of aromatic flavors can be added to tea for increased variety.

    if you buy good tea you need no flavoring as tea, like wine, gets it flavor from the place it was grown to the way it was treated. there is nothing intellectual about tea, just palate. and i like to drink my tea alone, far from the maddening crowd.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. OA2

    I had to erase, you broke rule 2. Even though it is from the same blog your comment belongs to a different post.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Hey Daniel: Lipton yellow label is American, not British; their black tea is an apology for the traditional British 'cuppa'(brands such as PG Tips) which is a powerful brew that can be as highly caffeinated as coffee, and is normally drunk in preference to it over there. Myself, I have long since graduated to green tea, which I drink copiously most of the day. I find it gives just the right level of stimulus, plus it has antioxidant properties and other health benefits. It wasn't that easy to find in Venezuela, but I think I ended up buying it at a Chinese market. Another kind of tea I drink occasionally for a change is Riobos, a red tea from South Africa, which may not be available at all in Venezuela. It is not caffeinated but has a robust flavor reminiscent of black tea, plus it is more healthy.

  20. Boludo Tejano,

    I envision a happy Texan drinking a gunpowder -like- macho- green tea.

    I might call it, 'Gun Smoke tea'

    Very picturesque but honest.


    "there is nothing intellectual about tea, just palate."

    Oh yes of course, the sublime difference between inspiration and thought .

  21. OA2

    Sorry AGAIN. Put the comment in the thread where it belongs, not this one.

  22. Martin

    I say English you say Yankee....

    The matter of fact i that outside of major cities it is difficult to find decent teas, at best a can of Twinning's. If you live in Podunk and love good tea you need the Internet.

    This is due because paradoxically North Americans stopped being tea drinkers after a certain Boston mob scene. And they drink it in summer, iced, with sugar and lemon so any black ta would do.

  23. OA2

    Write to me if you need more details a to the why.

  24. 1979 Boat People9:30 PM

    White tea is very nice tea. It is a little bit expensive but affordable. Daniel can say more about it.

    Recommend to try it.

  25. Milonga2:20 AM

    Tea reminds me of my mother. What is better than sitting in a table with a pot of tea (Earl Grey, so much the better) and drink 5 cups (no more, no less) while chatting away the day's activities... Without her, I don't do that anymore. And whenever I find it, love a lemongrass infusion. As to coffee, there was an article today about Cuban rationing card. Did you know it includes 112 grams of coffee? Each Cuban receives that 4 times a year. If a quarter has about 91 days (unless the Cuban government has also rationed the calendar) and therefore the citizens there receive each day a gram and a quarter of coffee - how much time do they have to wait for a cup of coffee??? This blew my mind! And as for Zapatero, he must urgently get rid of Desatinos, oops! Moratinos.

  26. La Maga Lee2:44 AM

    Agua bien fría con un poco de café dentro es delicioso y refrescante y tiene más sabor vernáculo que el té

  27. Roger3:17 AM

    It would seem that the term Tea Party won't go far in Venezuela. Im not even sure what the word for tea is in Spanish. But, not to drag US politics in to this we now have the Coffee Party! Now this coffee connection I think would go well in Venezuela. Imagine for a moment anti-chavs meeting at Pandarias and other places that serve coffee and sweets meeting at a pre determined time and having a quick protest with refreshments and then moving on before the police can even get out of the Putaria! In the Philippines they call this instant protest. all setup with with Twitters and such.

  28. Milonga

    You ain't fooling no one here, your stuff is mate with sloppy bombilla and all....

  29. Boludo Tejano5:48 AM

    Coche de Fuego:
    I understand your connecting Gunpowder Green Tea with TX, considering the cultural reputation of TX, where I have spent the last half of my life.

    The "gunsmoke" reference was a good play on words, especially since both yerba mate and gunpowder green to a lesser degree have a somewhat smoky taste.

    I am not classic TX towards guns. I have a touch of phobia towards guns, due to a childhood friend being killed in a gun accident with his older brother- in the NE.

  30. Milonga5:52 AM

    Totally wrong, Daniel!! I hate mate, especially the sloppy bombilla!!

  31. Yeah, yeah, Milonga.... sure, whatever...

    but when no one watches you, you rioplatenses of all stripes, love to share your bombilla with whomever walks by. no wonder the flu did ravages down there.....


  32. Boludo Tejano,

    I of course was totally teasing.I never meant to imply that you like real guns in real life.

    I was also teasing about myself.I do love strong spicy ginger tea , and my name is firepigette, but as a real life person I am empathetic and mild mannered( perhaps) to a fault.

    Maybe some of my 'alter ego' comes out on the blog through my choice of name and passion concerning Venezuela.

    I also hate real guns...but verbal "guns" and fearlessness sometimes you do have, as do I.Sometimes I forget that my symbolic phrases can be quite misunderstood.


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