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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Juan Forero describes the Venezuelan economic crisis from the hinterland of Tachira

I have to admit that this country bumpkin blogger is pickled pink when a major newspaper publishes an article about Venezuela economic crisis that does include the word "Caracas" only in the name of the university of consulted professors.  Yes, that is right, maybe because of his residence in Bogota but Juan Forero does an excellent job on describing how the economy of Tachira border state has simply collapsed due to the mismanagement of the Venezuelan economy, and the anti Colombian political whims of Chavez.  A must read article in that it describes the effect on the people and the whole country that an ideological government without viable plan, and even less capacity to implement  it, inflicts on a nation it considers its own playground.

When you read Forero you can sense how hard it was for him to keep his objectivity quoting Chavez that he did not consider a drop in GDP for 2010 anything to worry about.


  1. 1979 Boat People7:52 PM

    Just wish this loud-mouth Thugo stops B-Shiting.

  2. Juan Cristobal11:05 PM

    Tarde piaste!

  3. 1979 Boat People11:52 PM

    Chavez revolution losing steam in Venezuelan slums

  4. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Anyone of you heard about this guy; Thor Halvorssen?

    Link to machine translated article from Norwegian daily commie rag the "Class Struggle" -

    Thrashes Freedom Forum
    CRITICAL: The American Latin American expert Mark Weisbrot believes Oslo Freedom Forum lacks credibility when the forum presents coup supporters of freedom advocates. ...

    The President of the Human Rights Foundation, Thor Halvorssen, responds to criticism in part by accusing Weisbrot to be bought and paid for by the government of Venezuela, and claims he recently got "around NOK 750,000 in consulting fees from the Venezuelan government" in connection with the promotion of "South of the Border."

    Reading about Venezuela I never came across his name before, and he is apparently Venezuelan and know a lot of influential people.

    Oh, I nearly forgot - Happy Mayday! May you have a nice day at some beach.

  5. Charly1:57 PM

    Ingvar, you are dead on the target, May day in Venezuela has turned to mayday, so every other day of the year as a matter of fact.

  6. 1979 Boat People6:13 PM


    Very funny. Love it.


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