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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

No stuffed turkey for Chavez

Sorry, I could not resist some sort of lame title.  But when I saw that lose canon Lieberman (Israel foreign minster) compared Erdogan (Turkey Prime minister) to Chavez and Qaddafi and that Turkey was offended, well, it made my day.


  1. Boludo Tejano2:22 AM

    That goes to show that the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Thugo has set himself as an enemy of Israel. Recall his crack during the Lebanon skirmish in the summer of 2006 that what the Israelis were doing to Lebanon was worse than what Hitler did.

    While Turkey was at least neutral towards Israel before Erdogan and the Islamists took over some years ago, since then Turkey has assumed an anti-Israel stance more in line with its neighbors.

    Yet Erdogan doesn't like being compared to Thugo, another enemy of Israel.

    Poor Thugo, he was just trying to make friends.

  2. Israel seems to be alienating countries all the time when it comes to the way they handle foreign policy.

    Maybe Chavez admires countries like that..:)

    I bet he picked up the phone to call Turkey after he read that article.He seems to befriend friends..who have no friends..:)



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