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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Podcast with Fausta

Internet radio is alive an well, at least for those who have access to a real broadband which is not my case, nor the case of many in Venezuela as the CANTV broadband has been going downhill steadily since Chavez nationalized the Venezuelan Telecom in 2006.  I have been too busy lately to be able to post but I did manage to talk to Fausta, editor of Fausta's Blog.  She is from Puerto Rico but long established in the US where she has carved a name among conservative blogging, all the way to the GOP Convention.  She is one of the few conservative bloggers who do not require that you call Obama a tyrant before talking to you, in addition of covering extensively Latin America, a rarity in US major blogs, and making regular podcasts with all sorts of guests.

So we did the Podcast even if I was late in logging in since Internet in Venezuela is, well, erratic.  You can listen to it there if you want, I come in after 11 minutes, after an awkward 1 minute full silence, just when Fausta had all but given up.


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Daniel thanks for your open conversation with Fausta, You just told, what I was thinking for long time. It took a while to connect to you and start the talking but after that you were like a locomotive.
    Thanks again, have a nice Eastern!!

    Regards Claco

  2. 1979 Boat People8:58 PM

    Hum...., as i read Venezuela news the other day, Thugo Chavez proudly said that under his goverment, internet has been increased 9 folds.

  3. boat

    i wonder where the bolivarian calculators are being manufactured, probably a parallel arithmetic universe...

  4. Nice going, Daniel. My wife has always said the same: that there was a lot of help for the poor in the 60's and 70's, including housing projects.

    You said that the end of this will be violent, but you also said that Chavez has all the weapons. I've heard that a test of a dictator is whether he is willing to kill a lot of people. So do you think soldiers will refuse a mass slaughter one day?

    And the Cuban Federation, Chavez couldn't become an outright president. That doesn't seem plausible, but I think he would have a lot of control (although this will never play out. Venezuela is too poor and is getting poorer every day.)

    Any post-Fidel gov't, including a Raul-led one, would receive a lot of support and money from the U.S.


  5. Milonga2:12 AM

    Good fact-checking, Daniel. Better, putting voice to your pen!

  6. Anonymous4:39 AM

    "She is one of the few conservative bloggers who do not require that you call Obama a tyrant before talking to you"

    There are more of us out there than you think. Some of us have been reading you for years!

  7. Roger5:50 AM

    Always good to hear you Daniel. You could have let your bird say more!

  8. anonymous

    I know, I know, she is not alone and I said it so. But in the last year she has been the almost lone conservative blog to link to mine regularly. Liberals of course did not link to me because I refused to trash Bush just as I refuse to trash Obama today. But that is OK, I got my links where it matters :)

  9. pas mal, Daniel, pas mal.


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