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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Si me asesinan, barran a la burguesia

If they murder me, wipe out the bourgeoisie (stronger in Spanish)

Those were the nice words of Chavez today, in a meeting where it was for all to see how far advanced his delirium tremens is.  Or whatever delirium he suffers from in case he is a teetotaler, which does not stop one from being an addict, just not to booze.

To commemorate April 13 2002 in the continuous effort to make this a national holiday along February 2 and 27 (when will we work?) Chavez gathered what he hoped would be a show of strength that would instill fear in the opposition, but instill even more fear into the weakening chavista base in case they decided not to follow him until the bitter end.  The bolting of Lara's governor Falcon seems to have perturbed him greatly as the PPT has been excommunicated officially.

To scare us he called for his militia, all in Cuban olive green uniforms.  No need anymore for the red civilian tide of yore, the ingrates cannot even be "arreados" with buses and booze and stipends.  Now Chavez fills up his rallies with the militia which was created and is paid for such activities.  I use the term "arreados" in all conscience, which means roughly lassoed.  My S.O. was forced to go to the meeting today, staying until 4 PM, unable to wait for Chavez anymore, and sorely regretting forgetting the camera home.  But even forcing public employees to come is not enough: they come, sign up any attendance list, go to look for a drink as an excuse, and are never seen again that day.  Hence the need for a paid for militia, to make sure Chavez does not speak in a void.

If Chavez tried to scare us today what he did was to increase our resolve while ridiculing himself.  And if anyone still thought that the civilian sector played a role in the bolibanana revolution, look at the picture above and be told.  That was Bolivar Avenue Tuesday 13, a few hours ago.  Olive green with only a few specks of red left.

PS: I wrote this late last night.  A little editing with cooler head was required.


  1. I watched the whole thing, what a sorry performance, and absolutely lunatic.

    On the point of PPT: How will the split affect the elections? Will PPT steal more from chavismo than from the oppo? What about the ni-nis, are they more likely to vote for PPT now than for the unified oppo-candidate? Or is PPT simply too small to be relevant in most states?

  2. He is an addict. He is addicted to attention, and to power. I'm not sure which is the stronger addiction.

    Rather ironic words, right on the heels of that Weil cartoon in the previous post...

  3. Did you see him wearing black gloves a la Mussolini? (or Hitler?) Venezuela's or Caracas' weather -for that matter- is too hot and humid to wear leather gloves; it was only for the show.

    The aerial images made me think of North Korea. Of course a very disorganized and smaller army... probably the Venezuelan version.

    Lots of riffles were distributed to the uniformed militias. I'm sure that there were no bullets in miles!!!!

  4. Stig

    Tch, tch! You have missed some of my posts!

    The PPT weigh would be at local levels. In Lara the PPT Falcon alliance could have an effect and deprive both chavismo and opposition of a few seats. Elsewhere it is more dicey. Risks of electoral perturbation through PPT are in Guarico, Caracas and some chavista stronghold where the opposition has little business to do. Once thing seems certain at this point: the PPT will do better on its own than in an opposition alliance though that one might undeclared here and there.

  5. AIO

    Yeah... reality sometimes does catch up to fiction, or humor, whatever...

  6. Liz

    He was carrying Bolivar sword! That is why he needed gloves.

    Well, I think anyway, though I am sure he enjoyed the excuse to wear gloves as he enjoys any opportunity he gets to wear military garb.

  7. Which Bolivar's sword he was carrying? Could be this one?

  8. Kolya7:25 PM

    Daniel, when are you getting a Bolivar Sword 3000? They are guaranteed and at a great price too!


  9. Thanks, Daniel, I had indeed read all your posts, but obviously didn't get it - for us foreigners these details are a bit complicated :-)

    I was thinking that Chávez and PPT did not definately split up with until yesterday with Chávez making that clear, although it seemed probable they would do that at some point, so I was referring to this definate split.


  10. I know you are going to disagree, but the name of our next president is Henry Falcon.

  11. robert

    predicting the next president's name is a tad hazardous at this point.

  12. Boludo Tejano10:49 PM

    Thanks, Daniel, I had indeed read all your posts, but obviously didn't get it - for us foreigners these details are a bit complicated
    Which is why I will argue Taxachusetts politics w Daniel,as I have been exposed to same for decades, but will not venture to disagree with him when he is discussing his home turf. You know where he stands (for those fans of Mass politics).

    Just like our esteemed colleague from Norway,the myriad details of Venezuelan politics are beyond my ken.

    I have started reading Brian Nelson's book on April 2002, which will give me some more details.

  13. Truly Disturbing behavior.
    You see this in leader of Cults that are about to go postal.
    Is this the first time he has openly called for the execution of opposition citizens?

  14. Not A Name12:49 AM

    Chavez: If they murder me, wipe out the bourgeoisie

    That seems like a very good deal. We kill Chavez, and they kill Diosdado, Carrizales, Jaua, Rafael Ramirez, William Lara, Chavez's family, the Cisneros, etc.

  15. La Maga Lee5:45 AM

    Parece que llegamos al llegadero, da escalofrios escuchar los discursos y ver a estos muchachos endoctrinados y armados, que quiere decir con barrer a la burguesia?, será todos los boliburgueses que viven en La Lagunita y el Country Club, sus ministros que tienen los hijos en colegios privados? o a nosotros pobres tontos que no tenemos quién nos defienda?

  16. Daniel: Yeah, maybe a bit early, but....still, I'm placing my bet now. (Note: not that I support him, and that's the last from me on this subject until you write a post about it)

    This display of "power" is a lame attempt to show strength to the PSUV base. It also serves as a "red herring" or "trapo rojo", much as he has had over the course of the years he has been in power. Distract our attention, make us expend energy on non events, drawing away from the very real problems we face as a nation under his thumb.

    It's also a attempt to show his master, Fidel Castro, that he can still sway the population. Coming on the heels of the loss of more than 100 officers due to non promotion, the two events combined are also a tweak to the nose of the military.

    I wonder what those officers who were forced to retire due to not achieving a promotion are going to do now.

  17. La Maga Lee3:30 PM

    Este trapo rojo será para tapar la ineptitud de este gobierno, y los militares de verdad se estan haciendo la vista gorda por tanta arepa que le ponen en la boca, y quién paga estas armas sino nosotros y seguimos engordando unos pachas de kaki a punta de 18años de reserva escosesa. Que no me vengan a decir que el gran ejército honroso nos vendrá a defender algun día!


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