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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Tinpot wannabe tyrants and their relationship with reality

Tal Cual Weil characterizes it perfectly.

"president, what can you tell us about...[cut]"  "I am busy with bigger things... [insult allusive at you being a sold out agent of the US of A]"
In this image Chavez is inaugurating a small Mercal (abasto is the new code name for food store since the government is unable to make to supply them so that they could be called supermercados).  One of the very many ways chavismo is trying to distract from the crude fact that enough food purchased by the regime went to rot so that it could have fed the Venezuelan population for about a month.  and when any one tries to bring the topic to what really maters for the country, then it is a conspiracy, media manipulation, traitor to the fatherland and what not.


  1. NicaCat566:53 PM

    Daniel, have you seen today's Weil? It's very good.

  2. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Excuse me if this been covered, but is the pitiyanky expression a variation of the petit-bourgeois insult?


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