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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Why Wikileaks stunt will backfire badly

Read James Rubin article at the NEW Republic!  I needed to quote this portion below attacking the "hard left" which I would be more generous in calling the "idiotic left".

But the disclosures are not just interesting; they are also ironic. That’s because they undermine the very worldview that Julian Assange and his colleagues at Wikileaks almost certainly support.

By and large, the hard left in America and around the world would prefer to see the peaceful resolution of disputes rather than the use of military force. World peace, however, is a lot harder to achieve if the U.S. State Department is cut off at the knees. And that is exactly what this mass revelation of documents is going to do. The essential tool of State Department diplomacy is trust between American officials and their foreign counterparts. Unlike the Pentagon which has military forces, or the Treasury Department which has financial tools, the State Department functions mainly by winning the trust of foreign officials, sharing information, and persuading. Those discussions have to be confidential to be successful. Destroying confidentiality means destroying diplomacy.

We can see that on Venezuela. For all of his paranoia there is no conclusive evidence that the US is actively working at unseating Chavez. All that is published so far reveals an embassy that does not know much more than what this blogger does. Containment is the word, Chavez is only a nuisance. An annoying one for sure, a potentially dangerous one for sure, but for the time being he ranks way below Iran, the FARC inside Colombia, etc, etc....

I also cannot resist this other excerpt:

There’s another irony here, too. The Wikileaks document dump, unlike the Pentagon Papers in the 1970s, shows that American private communication with foreign leaders by and large reflects the same sentiments offered by U.S. officials in public. There is no grand conspiracy, no grand hypocrisy to uncover and expose. The big hypocrisies here are not being perpetrated by Americans; they are being perpetrated by foreign governments, namely non-democratic ones.

Of course in the twisted mind of Chavez and his main sycophants it is enough for you not to praise to high heavens Chavez to become suspect of conspiracy. But for the "hard left"? The assholes like Calvin Tucker who dared to come here to threaten me with judicial action? Where are they today after the wikileak fiasco and its consequences for the world peace process? Sure, eventually a couple of real damaging cables will be unearthed, but the price to pay for it, the slowing down of diplomacy at a time of great tensions (North Korea, Iran anyone?) was certainly not worth the leaks.

At least on one side it is now clear that Assange reputation is toast and that even some of the earlier interesting work on Iraq war violence will be questioned. A case of overreach if any!


  1. It is good to see that it is not only conservatives who are conscious of how damaging the Wiki-leaks have been.We need a broad consensus to confront and overcome this problem.

    Most of the governments in the crisis spots are dictatorships that survive by strictly controlling information and will only communicate to the extent that they feel that confidentiality is assured.

    If this is not the case, negotiations become practically impossible.

  2. 1979 Boat People5:56 PM


    Interpol puts WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on most-wanted list over Swedish rape charges

  3. By and large, the hard left in America and around the world would prefer to see the peaceful resolution of disputes rather than the use of military force. World peace, however, is a lot harder to achieve if the U.S. State Department is cut off at the knees.

    True, but that isn't how the hard left views the US State Department, or any element of the US. In their eyes everything about the country is rotten and evil and every bad thing that occurs in the world is the fault of the US. Just listen to Hugito and Evito....

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    there are usual reasons that people steal information. two common ones are:
    1) money
    2) moral conviction that the information stolen must be revealed

    wikileaks doesn't abide by either of those. julian assange is the anarchist messiah of a different idea. that there are entities in the world so evil that stealing from them as much and as often as possible is the only moral solution.

    as near as I can tell the entities that qualify for this are:
    1)every government
    2)every corporation

  5. Maybe the messengerAssange, should be shot, though he owes no legal allegiance to the United States, and is not required to keep its secrets.

    The leaks themselves provide important information to the world, and I would support a similar leak of Venezuelan or Chinese cables.

    For US citizens,it is important to see that US policy in private isn't much different than the public policy; many have asserted otherwise.

    There are also incidental revelations which a citizen should be entitled to know; for example, that the US, not Yemen, is bombing Yemen.

    All in all, the leaks are sufficiently important that I hope blogs like this one will continue to cover them.


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