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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

That colonial feel from Viceroy Chavez

I do not know about you but never have I felt as much a Cuban colony as I am feeling this week, and it is only Tuesday.  Not only now our orders come directly from Cuba where Chavez prefers receive treatment that he could perfectly receive at home, and probably of a much better quality, but his latest decisions reek of old style colonialism.

First, that he prefers to receive treatment in Cuba.  The pictures of him arriving there were of a very smiling, very upright Chavez, not someone in pain that would receive within hours "emergency" medical treatment.  I, for one, could not are less about what ails Chavez, nor would I begrudge that he receives medical treatment for emergency wherever in the world he is.  However, I, for one, do not buy for a second the emergency status.  For me, it looks like those African presidents that fly to Europe even for dental treatment.  To Paris, preferably.

Second, the 1999 constitution, written mostly by Chavez, has very specific provisions to deal with temporary absences of the president.  If there is such a justified temporary absence is the "medical emergency" in Cuba.  That is what the figure of the "appointed" vice president was created, sort of an easily removable prime minister that automatically steps in when the president is impeached for whatever reason.  In fact, that figure was already used once in April 2002.........  In Elias Jaua Chavez has one of his very most faithful followers, someone he can entrust his chair with for as long as it is needed, knowing full well that Elias will not do anything to threaten his power.  But no, Chavez chose to make sure that people know he is ruling from Cuba, taking decisions which are of questionable legality if taken outside of the republic.  It is not even idiocy or perversion, it is sheer arrogance in Chavez who cannot entertain the idea of sharing anything, even for a few days.  Just as ancient colonial landlords thought that plantations could be run as well from London than locally.

Third, he appoints his baby brother as the new tsar of electricity.  What merits Argenis Chavez may have are not the point.  The point is that in time of crisis, outside of the country, in a sector where huge investments are required urgently if he wants to be reelected in 2102, Chavez can only trust a sibling which has already been amply tainted with accusations of corruption.  Just as ancient Spanish Viceroys traveled to the Americas with family and friends to occupy the key posts in their new charges.

I tell you, we are definitely a Cuban colony with Chavez as the Viceroy.  If you had any doubts still, this week must have cleared them all.


  1. Charly8:49 PM

    Daniel, someone was recently rumoring on this blog as well as another that His Nibs may have syphillis. That reminded me of Cypriano Castro who went to Paris to treat an old syph. When he came back, his ex-VP, Gomez prevented him from landing. Those who don`t learn from history........

  2. charly

    those were different times. i doubt that jaua could pull out that one. gomez was the head of the army already.....

  3. "reelected in 2102" Good, God, man. That cuban healthcare must be really good.

  4. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Not all Cubans are bad people. Some deserve commiseration for having suffered the Castro brothers all their lives. And now Chavez!

    Think of those few Cubans who still have some self respect. They have lived of hand-outs from the Soviet Union for decades, and now have to depend on Chavez for survival. It must be depressing.

    Getting an Alo Presidente this weekend will be the last straw for some.


  5. Charly12:16 AM

    Perhaps but "un traineur de sabre" (a military) could well be licking his lips these days. Lets not forget this is South America, the land of surrealism.

  6. Great analogy - works perfectly.

    But those days where the caudillo heading abroad created opportunities for those left behind to rise up are long gone. The world is too different a place. Most of it, anyways - that kind of thing could surely happen in Somalia these days, but not Venezuela.


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