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Friday, January 06, 2012

A little bit of the amusing fallout from the swearing in of Diosdado Cabello

As expected, such a controversial nomination could not go un-commented.  But first let me point out an article in El Universal from Luis Salamanca which alludes to many of the stuff I wrote this morning.  In short, that designation is all about who would replace Chavez if worse comes to worse and Diosdado for all of his faults, and they are big, is an alliance of the military and the nouveau riche of the regime (same difference it would seem now that I think of it).  We all know that such an alliance is the best guarantee of "stability".  In quote for lack of a better word.

This being said we can visit, oh, say the Maria Corina Machado reaction who as a representative was attending the "ceremony", in quote again for obvious reasons.  What was interesting in her presentation is that even though she will not win next February she was the official response from the opposition of the awful words of Diosdado during the day.  That is, it was a personal rebuke to Diosdado insinuations that the primaries were about to collapse, showing visible proof that this was not the case.  In other words: it was a "we are ready for you".

The other notable reaction was also from a presidential candidate, Capriles Radonski, on his twitter that called Diosdado a thief, advising people at the assembly to hold their wallets tight.  Think about it for a second, a presidential candidate calling openly, bluntly, the newly "elected" National Assembly president a thief (again, sorry for that unavoidable use of words in quote marks).

Henrique Capriles R. 
Tengan cuidado los Diputados de la AN con ese Pdte que eligieron,no sea que pierdan la cartera!Este país clama por un cambio!

And he goes one further by stating that many of the PSUV seats where "forced" to vote for Diosdado.  

Henrique Capriles R. 
Se que muchos Diputados del partido de Gob(así me han dicho)no están de acuerdo con ese personaje corrupto y mafioso que les impusieron

It sure will be quite interesting if Capriles manages to beat Chavez in October when he sends his first legislative proposal to Diosdado....

PS: It is worth reminding readers that Diosdado Cabello has a huge dossier submitted to the Prosecutor's office as to his tenure in Miranda State for the period 2004-2008 (including a huge collection of personal cars, vanishing budgets, etc...).  Justice being tightly controlled by the regime that dossier and the investigation that should follow some of the very obvious evidence has been stalled, allowing Diosdado to become the new speaker.  Meanwhile any opposition mayor or governor who takes a paper clip at home because it got entangled in its clothes is investigated to the 7th generation and barred from running for public office if possible.

Update.  As an additional reaction, it is worth citing two articles from the Economist which we must consider seriously as it is doubtful they would publish such things without getting some form of double crossing of their references.

The first one discuss the rise of Cabello as it being influenced or imposed by the military of Venezuela who want someone THEY can talk to, not some silly civilian or even worse, and ideologue civilian.  The Economist and yours truly thus concur on what is rather obvious for anyone following Venezuelan politics.  No genius needed there. (To which I may add my recurring theme of Venezuela's regime being a reactionary one, harking back to our military past of caudillos and conspiracies as our natural Arcadia).

By putting the party machine in the hands of Mr Cabello, Mr Chávez has signalled his reliance on the military wing of his movement. Mr Cabello’s army contemporaries have risen to be generals or senior colonels, holding key troop commands. Nobody, not even the president, understands politics, the armed forces and the business world, and the way they interact, better than Mr Cabello. That makes him both a crucial ally and also a potential threat to Mr Chávez.

The second one is about Chavez disease that the Economist think is not over.  The reason?  the secrecy around it, of course.


  1. What Capriles said was right but I think it is enough for the Injustice to disqualify him from running office.
    Diosdado is a thief and much worse, but for the moment judges are also thieves. Do the maths.

    I do think we should use Diosdados' nomination in ads in rural Venezuela - not in Monagas, though -

  2. The choosing of Diosdado Cabello benefits the opposition in the sense that it shows that Chavez is sticking to the same ol' same ol'.

    The only options for change are with the opposition.

  3. Charly10:55 PM

    and now, old piece of .... going to beg la virgen de Coromoto. My hypothesis on the epidemy of presidential cancers. They were fed a soup made with the bones of the libertador on various visits to Miraflores. Hence the result.


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