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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The mysterious case of the expelled Miami Consul

Really, the expulsion of Venezuela's consul in Miami is very simple to explain.  The expelled consul was an agent double, that is, in XXI century socialism parlance, a Venezuelan paid by Venezuela but also a Cuban agent.  Except that Venezuela apparently did not know how infiltrated its foreign service was by the Cuban G2, basically realizing that now Venezuela does and pays for the dirty job that Cuba needs to be doing, like sabotaging the US, monitoring the Cuban (and now Venezuelan) exile in Miami, etc...  Hence the delay in the Venezuelan response to something that normally should have been an immediate screaming scene against Washington.  After all, even Maduro must have been aghast at the chutzpah of the G2 in high-jacking the missions in Mexico and Caracas where sweet Livia worked...


  1. Boludo Tejano4:57 PM

    Thanks for the follow-up. Makes sense to me.

    I doubt that Thugo objects to Cuban infiltration of the diplomatic corps, Cuba being a brother country and all that- not to mention all the "good things" Cuban agents do in surveillance of the Internet.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    You lost me on this one, Daniel. The link you provided has a story about the consul being involved with the Iranians and Mexican hackers. I have not followed the story elsewhere, so don't know where the link to the cubans comes from.


  3. Anonymous5:35 PM

    You lost me on this one, Daniel. The link you provided has a story about the consul being involved with the Iranians and Mexican hackers. I have not followed the story elsewhere, so don't know where the link to the cubans comes from.


  4. Anonymous5:43 PM

    OK, I found this link with the mention of the Cuban presence:
    Although the mention is a one-liner.


  5. Very typical example of Chavismo and other hard left liners conspiring to common goals.

    Quintessential Chavismo in that it accuses its opponents- like the US and the Ven opposition- of plotting against them while they are actually the real non- stop plotters.

  6. I am with Anon, Daniel. I don't see how you make the leap to concluding that she is a double agent, doing the Cubans' bidding. I don't see why she couldn't simply be colluding with the Iranians and the Cubans on Venezuela's behalf.

    Also, at this point, separating Venezuelan from Cuban G2 is pointless. They are working in concert under the command of the Cubans.

    I did find it odd that the Venezuelan official reaction was so muted. I was expecting an eruption. However, taped conversations are compelling evidence and perhaps Venezuela would rather let this one slide have it forgotten by the media.


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