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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Voting for the pleasure of it

It seems that AIO, very occasional contributor, is dying to vote even if he is a gringo.  So I obliged with two polls on the right.  The first one, only for those readers who are actually going to vote next Sunday (please, do not vote more than once from different computers!!!).  And a second open poll for whoever reads this blog, as to who do we really, really wish would win next Sunday even though we may end up voting for another guy.  You know who you are, voting for Capriles but wishing Medina to win....


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    "You know who you are, voting for Capriles but wishing Medina to win...."
    I think there are other scenarios (than the one above) to vote different than one wishes:
    in which one votes against the current in the believe A (real favourite to win) has already enough votes, but the actual vote goes to a marginal one to give his ideas enough traction within the MUD; i.e. one assumes most votes will go to HCR anyhow, wants MCM to govern, but votes to give DA ideas traction even if one does not necessarily wants DA to get the nomination.

  2. Ha! Not what I was thinking of, but thanks - I like it!

    And very interesting that the results seem to belie slide 7 from here (poll linked to in previous post). Maybe us foreigners are skewing the results?

    When I was asking about the mood there, I was actually wondering if people were getting excited, nervous, staying indifferent...that kind of thing. I imagine it's a lot like the run-up to the Reafirmazo, with a mix of all of the above.

    1. Yes and no. What I can tell you is the chavistas at work are rather ashen faced when the topic comes up.

      Let's say that we have been so battered with victories that we thought were at hand that we are taking the Sunday vote with more equanimity, aware that it is only a step. We are growing up, I suppose.

    2. I also find it strange, fascinating, almost, that some chavistas at my school at uni want to vote in the primaries, some to try to alter the results, bust most because they actually seem to like/support somehow some of the candidates. My guess is that, since there are no real primaries at the PSUV, they feel that at least this way they can express something...

  3. It's obvious: musiús are skewing results and there is much higher proportion of María Alejandrases here.
    Mind: even in a Spanish blog about Venezuela I get 70% of viewers from where 30% of the population lives. In English blogs about Venezuela less than 30% of viewers are living in Venezuela and those who do are more likely to
    1) be better off than the average (which is not equal to being a María Alejandra), 2) be more inclined to take a more gringo approach, becoming sometimes even grigoer than the average gringo.

    Kepler running for cover

    1. I agree.

      Carolina running along.

  4. "(please, do not vote more than once from different computers!!!)"
    Pretty good, Dano. I thought I could get away with it......

  5. Hey Daniel, I only voted once, but my husband also uses this computer, so can he also vote?

    1. You really like Machado, Firepigette. :-)

    2. anyone can vote, but only once :)

  6. Daniel, Reply function not this is a response to the above.

    I really like your latter assessment, "aware that it is only a step." That's excellent news.

    But I absolutely LOVE your description of the "ashen-faced" chavistas! I wonder if they are more fearful of losing, or of democracy itself?

    1. it is not working or you have no idea on how it works? :)

  7. Wise a$$! Well, I try to point and click, but I can't figure out how to make my finger click after I point with it...maybe if I tap harder on the screen?

  8. So, do we really have to wait until when, Saturday you said? For your endorsement?


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