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Friday, August 31, 2012


Well, I watched 5 minutes of Rubio (thumbs down) and the second half of Romney, inserting in between whatever sitcom was on WTV.

As expected, there is no way I would vote Republican (the last time I thought voting GOP was an option was 1980). However from Romney's speech I think that the reelection of Obama is far from a sure thing. Romney's talking points are much more in tune with US citizens preoccupations after what seems an endless crisis, just as Capriles here seems so much more in tune than Chavez (you should have seen Capriles last Tuesday with union workers of Guayana!).

Regardless, whoever wins in the US is almost irrelevant for Venezuela. And I dare say to the world. Times have changed and the US is not the superpower it used to be. Obama's fault may be to understand it more than he should but Romney will be in for a rude awakening if he wins. However there was one promise of Romney that should be of major concern for Venezuela: to make the US energy independent by 2020. Even if reaches half that goal, we are screwed as we would have wasted the last huge oil bonanza of our history.  The first thing Capriles will need to prove is that Venezuela will be a reliable ally and provider. Can he?


  1. framethedebate8:37 AM

    Is the self contradiction done on purpose? Do you even see it. I'll stick to the Chronicles and The Excrement going forward. Facts and interesting perspectives are arguably more interesting than reading your contradictory opinion. Oh wait,,, maybe you are saying oil purchases are irrelevant to Venezuela. Nope,,,, that doesn't make any sense either. Perhaps a proof read is in order. Chavez would be proud.

    1. I am sorry, I read it twice and I still do not understand your comment. But if you understand better Devils and CCS, I am sure that you do not need ever to come back here. God's speed to you.

  2. Dunno, Daniel. This RNC was a complete bust for Romney. People will remember more about Clint Eastwood's latest achievement: Becoming a meme in 10 minutes.

    1. But he punched all the right buttons and that is what matters, the more so with the activists that will be out getting the vote next November.

    2. I respectfully disagree.

  3. You can thumbs down Rubio all you want, but he will be President some day. :-)

    1. That would not be the first time I thumbed down folks that became president or prime minister.... So be glad because my thumb down is probably a good karma for whomever receives it1 :)

  4. You can be guaranteed that the US will stand at the ready to promote business in a stable environment. Development of oil and gas infrastructure will not only increase revenue for Venezuela but create real jobs - not government hand outs. Say what you like about the US GOP or Dems, capitalism is running the world these days, not empty political rhetoric.

    1. did I say the dems were bot capitalists? did I ever write against capitalism?

    2. Of course not. My only attempt at a point was American companies (and other transnationals) will be standing at the ready to help pick up the pieces in Venezuela once you have a stable government in place, regardless of who wins the US elections.

  5. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Off Topic:

    Im sorry but I just had to point this out....last night I read that the Minister of Housing has promised to the victims of the Refinery accident that they will have new homes within 3 weeks. Even though I don't think they will keep the promise. This has to be the biggest slap in the face to the hundreds of thousands of people still waiting for their homes after the natural disaster in Vargas (i think) and all the others waiting for years. I think this should be plastered in the front page of every paper, blog, news station, radio station, etc. What Balls!!!!!

  6. Dragunski4:35 PM

    It's too bad you only watched 5 minutes of Rubio. I would suggest you go to YouTube and watch the rest of it. It was a great speech. You may not agree with everything he said (though I agreed with most of it), you can't deny it was excellent speech, the best I've heard in a long time.

    The choice between Obama and Romney may not be as clear as between Chavez and Capriles, because none are as extreme and revolting as Chavez. It's true that many feel the US is "losing it's superpower status", but it was never as big nor as strong as it's enemies made it out to be. It's strength was always it's example and influence, rather than raw political or military power.

    The "new left" of South America may have an argument about the oppression of the poor, but they will never convince me that they are any better than the right right wing dictatorships that preceded them. They are just as corrupt as any caudillo, and their appeal to the poor will be just as fleeting, once the poor discover they have only been given "crumbs". The more the disenfranchised people of South America become educated, the more they will see this fact.

    1. It's (sic) strength was always it's (sic) example and influence, rather than raw political or military power.

      Try these in no particular order: example + influence + military power.

  7. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Off Topic:

    Great video.....spread it like wild fire!!!!!

  8. Obama is very much with the idea and desire to withdraw US power, and Romney dreams of getting it back.

    Dems do not want the US to compete but rather be an equal partner with Europe, acting in unison with other countries and International orgs.These are 2 different World Views.The question is :Does the World need the leadership of a large Democracy? Or should the US work through the United Nations with China , Russia and others to act out of consensus ?

    Romney does indeed reflect most US American's views.


  9. Dr. Fausuts6:44 PM

    "...whoever wins in the US is almost irrelevant for Venezuela. And I dare say to the world. Times have changed and the US is not the superpower it used to be."

    I don't quite agree with that statement. The fact that the United States of America is currently mired in economic stagnation is very, very relevant to the rest of the world. That would be especially true to Europe, which just a few years ago was pulled-along by America's past 4% + GDP rates. They're in trouble because we're in trouble.

    Finally, on Romney's claim of achieving energy independence, Daniel wrote:

    "Even if reaches half that goal, we are screwed as we would have wasted the last huge oil bonanza of our history."

    Boy, did you ever get that right. That is dead-on. The Venezuelans should be worried about this, very worried. It is my opinion, and I have many facts to back this up, that oil prices will drop significantly over the next 3 to 4 years. This is a huge story that no one is paying attention to. I'll just give you one 'for instance.' In Pittsburgh, PA Shell Oil just announced that they are building a multi-billion dollar ethylene cracker plant. This 'thing' will take the incredible amount of natural gas pouring into the market place from underground fracking and turn the gas into ethyklene, the very foundation of the plastics industry. Up to now almost 25% of oil deposits are used for the manufacture of plastics. As a result of this new technology, oil will no longer be used in plastics, natural gas will. Big stuff here. Oil exporting countries like Venezuela should pay attention to this.

    1. Fasutus

      I always write with a Venezuelan perspective. Thanks for noticing and not foam at the mouth as some would have done because I did not endorse wholeheartedly Obama or Romney. What for? I will have to deal with any one of them, as an A.I.O.

      Note also that I wrote about not voting GOP. That is on purpose as I am well aware that neither Obama or Romney speak for all of their party, they are leading what is at beast an uneasy coalition and some of the crap that I see my way in the GOP platform will more than likely stay there, on the paper. the platform of each party is what is needed to have activists campaign for you but once at the White House......

    2. In Pittsburgh, PA Shell Oil just announced that they are building a multi-billion dollar ethylene cracker plant.

      Has the ground been excavated for the plant? Or is this just announced intention? What's the (approximate) address of that plant? I'd like to google map it.

    3. Why don't you just google it anyway without asking for an address?

  10. As for the question of oil, undoubtedly it is in the interest of the US to become oil independent.

    As for Venezuela i think less oil would be better.

    Without political wisdom and cultural habits of caution and frugality, abundant natural resources are more often a curse than a blessing.Look at Putin and Chavez.

    Venezuela is not Norway.Norwegian caution and practical sense, preceded the arrival of the oil money, and were not created by the oil. They grew out of the pre-existing culture.Culture trumps politics every time.

    In any case Venezuela is blessed with many wonderful qualities that Norway is not blessed with.Dollars and cents, or rather Bolivares, do not define the Nation in its entirety.


    1. Without political wisdom,and frugality abundant natural resources are more often a curse than a blessing. Many of the most prosperous and best-governed areas of the world, by contrast, are not at all well-favored by nature. Man is not at his best when he receives or hopes for something for nothing.

  11. First of all on an economic level the US needs to get oil independence and have a National production that allows growth in local jobs instead of importing oil from abroad.That way we are not subject to blackmail from other countries.

    This will mean that we put into practice evolving technologies, instead of discouraging their local use. Why have exaggerated environmental concerns which is hypocritical because we are only exporting environmental damage to other countries which might even be less stringent in their restriction than we are in the US ?

    In Venezuela, the country could well benefit from the development of other natural resources of which it has an abundance. Perhaps this will be the chance needed to use money wisely .

    - firepigette

  12. Charly2:43 AM

    "Even if reaches half that goal, we are screwed as we would have wasted the last huge oil bonanza of our history".

    He ain't going to reach that goal, even less. Brent went up to 147 USD and the US economy went belly up. That was 2008 and no geopolitical storm of sufficient magnitude to justify these prices. Now it is around 100 USD, way too high for the Western economies to grow because China and India and their first time drivers are the new kids on the block. I am afraid that the USA and Venezuela are in for a very long shotgun marriage.

  13. Firepig,

    Don't they all claim to want to make the US stronger? So did Bush, so did all of your conservative lot.
    And what does it mean to be "stronger"?
    The more you want to meddle around with other countries by trying to be the World's Police, the weaker you are going to get.
    Lockheed Martin's interests, believe me, are not really the same as yours.

    1. Kepler,

      I think less stronger might refer to being more vulnerable to States whose interest and values are positive for us.

      For example importing more oil from the Middle East or increasing the debt with China.

      Nobody is talking here about buying more planes.

  14. Anonymous6:23 AM

    You hit the nail the head with "we would have wasted the last huge oil bonanza of our history" exactly why Venezuela is a Paraiso Perdido. No chance to become a Singapore or the Dubai of Latin America. Sad muy Sad.

    Alejo VZLA Paraiso Perdido.

  15. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Don't worry no one cares a thing about either the RNC or the DNC. These are just big bashes for the party faithful. The common guy and gal in the street does not watch these conferences.In my opinion a huge waste of tax payer money.

    So don't put too much weight on Clint's comments now one watched it and no one really cares. They will all be forgotten after Sunday morning news shows (which will be the last time it will be mentioned by CNN, CBS ABC and NBC boring talking heads.

    Alejo, VZLA Paraiso Perdido

  16. "As expected, there is no way I would vote Republican (the last time I thought voting GOP was an option was 1980."

    Your comment explains why your country is in deep trouble. One of the most enlightened Venezuelians, you, can not recognize that Obama is a Chavez wantabe! Obama has little regard for constitutional checks and balances, bypassing congress with executive orders. He is always demonizing one group or the other, for political purposes. If he wins another term, Chavez will have a good buddy.

    1. i guess i am not as enlightened as you thought i was. my apologies.

  17. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Chavez is not the only dummy around:


  18. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Daniel, can someone find out exactly how
    much oil was sold to US by China or any other country Chavez gave discounted oil to(Ramirez
    denied they sold anyone discounted oil-even Cuba).
    In fact, who is Cuba selling unused oil (they receive from Venezuela) to?

    Anonimo #5


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