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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Photoshopping photofails

Oh well [sigh]...
The cover of Tal Cual today tells you what a dismal failure the photoshopped/staged pictures of Chavez were in the general public opinion.

When a major paper dares to put on cover such a montage (with accurate date from Tal Cual paper, making a Chavez laughing at Venezuelan devaluation) you know that probably even among the die-hard of the Chavez cult there is doubt, plenty of doubt. duda

Why oh why?  Cuban propaganda has shown how behind the times it is as they are barely discovering Photoshop it seems, and have not the intelligence to put another paper but Granma. But I suppose their target is the chavista lumpen that does not know about e-mail I suppose. I have news for them, the chavista lumpen is more sophisticated than the Cuban one...... Nice try guys, but no cigar. Not that there are much cigars left in Cuba for that matter.....

And keep in mind that the one promoting the farce was none other than the minister of science and technology......  but then again, he is Chavez son in law. G2 Arreaza, pot kettle?

PS: you can read here one of the many analysis, and a good one, that destroy the proof of life of Chavez. Interestingly he started liek I did yesterday: how can possibly anyone laugh reading Granma?  Right there was our first clue. Dumb Cubans!


  1. Carlos Alberto R.2:13 AM

    The pictures are terrifying. I think the best word to describe Chavez expression is "mueca", the english word "grimace" does not have -to me- the same effect.

    Funny how Obama just last week did something similar by publishing a ridiculous picture of himself shooting just to prove that he "likes" guns, even though all his policy positions throughout his life have been exactly the opposite.

    Socialists are all the same always trying to convice us they are not what they really are.

    1. JJ Minehann11:06 PM

      That Obama picture reminded me of Dukakis in a tank !!!

  2. I think that what is really interesting of the pictures it is not if they are real or not, but the fact that the government felt the need to make them public right now.


    1. I wrote in the earlier post the pressure. International pressure as no one wants to lend money to a country where there is doubt about who is the president. And internally as chavistas are getting desperate to know WTF is going on with their god.

      They fell in their own trap thinking that people were indeed as stupid as they think they are and made a quick move, ill conceived, ill timed. And voilà.

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      We know they went 69 days without him so they can go another 69. Call it the halfway point and by then he'll be dead or close. The regime is buying time. When in doubt, buy time. This is the Modus operandi of the Cubans and chavistas, one you should be well aware of by now.

    3. Anonymous12:28 AM

      or they are going to announce something and need some credibility... like Chávez resign, how would you sell that to chavistas without some proof of life...

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Here are photos of Chavez in the same track suit from Dec 28, 2011.

    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      So? This does not mean anything. I am not the same anonymous. My comments below.

  4. I'm having a hard time looking pass the rosy cheeks. They scream heavy make up to me, so the rest of the staging is no different.

    1. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Good call on the pink. As if he was scrubbed, blushed or edited. When lungs are failing you can bet kidneys too and he should be getting yellowish in appearance. Yellow is detected under his eyes but his pupils and skin do not show this coloration. Maybe he's not there por ahora or they are covering this up. Maybe he's getting dialysis. We will not see imagery of the leader in this yellow state thus these may be the last pics

  5. Did you guys see this explanation?

    1. yes. It's one of the best explanations by an obvious pro in the field. I missed seeing the areas of the side of the forehead that had been brushed over, in error. The original photoshopping was a rushed job by someone who had some skills but not enough expertise (certainly no knowledge that to do a good job you've got to go pixel deep), and certainly no experience in cleaning up after him/herself.

      I believe that the error brushings by the forehead are due to using a clone tool or variant to substitute much of the yellowish skin for pinkier colouring.

  6. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I respectfully disagree. HCF is holding that days Granma. Yes it's staged and they edited but the explanation offered is trying to hard. The regime published those images in JPEG at 2400x1500 size and 200ppi resolution. The second is irrelevant but there is enough detail in those images to see what they did and they did not superimpose Granma and manipulate with warp tool. That is just too easy to spot. Nothing in this explanation holds water, it's just an opinion. The pics are edited and scrubbed clean - just what I would expect. I have ten years experience analyzing Vengov imagery FWIW.

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I also disagree, I posted to CCS Chronicles that:
    I was thinking how to be sure if that are real pictures or not. Well, at least 2 of the pictures are taken apparently within seconds. If true, this would be difficult to fake and photoshop edit will be apparently changing quickly between the two. I got the originals from AVN site, as screenshot and put the second centered on the smile of HCh. If you open the pictures with preview on the mac (or something similar on Windows, allowing to change between the two with a keystroke) you can see how they are taken from a slightly changed position, giving a 3-D sense if you change quickly forth and back. To me this is prove enough that these are real pictures, while maybe photoshoped in details.
    Here you can see the pictures

  8. Anonymous11:33 PM

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  9. Anonymous11:57 PM

    It appears to me that many fail to their own convictions, discarding all other possibilities without testing it. Sure, the government isn't that honest, but sometimes they tell the truth, or half of it...

    You are right, we will never see the originals, but the official pictures, that was the meaning.

  10. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Just like Paracachitos which was infiltrated from early on by the regime and snared many stupid Generals but nobody believed the regime. Not even now. Many generals where pardoned by chavez under confidential terms meaning you will never hear them tell the truth. Remember union boss Ortega's jail escape? Another deal done with Chavez.

    1. all anonymous above (and i assume that you are one and the same)

      1) you broke one basic rule of this comment section that is bringing over fights from other blogs. i had to erase at least one comment where you mention names and i almost erased all of them. whatever problems happen in other blogs, stay there.

      2) i do not understand your obsession with details. the point here is that the regime blundered its propaganda operation. whether Photoshop was used a lot or a little, that it was used is enough to blow the whole thing away. that Chavez is sick, very sick, and unable to perform elemental functions of his office is all that really matters. there is not enough Photoshop to hide that fact.

    2. Anonymous12:48 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Hi Daniel,

    sorry, I didn't intended to bring here a fight. I'm the author of Anonymous5:44 PM and Anonymous6:27 PM. We are also at least 2 anonymous. I signed my second comment as LD (don't thought about that before, first day posting here). I'm a bit obfuscated by the way it is all declared to be falsified without probing that. I hope to contribute to get the things right, nothing more, thanks.

    1. i never declared that it was all fake from the start. i even wrote that we should let the professionals speak before entering into all sorts of conspiracy theories.

      my blog is designed as stream, not individually self contained posts. coming at a given post and blasting it is usually going to generate the same type of stern rebuttal from me, or other readers of the blog for that matter.

  12. Anonymous8:21 AM

    "I have ten years experience analyzing Vengov imagery FWIW."

    I think the obsession with the details from the anonymous above are his attempt to validate his work. Looks like the regime should have found someone with more than 10 years experience to create the edited proof of life photos. What a clown...just another act in the circus.


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