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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The repressive, dictatorship consecrating, enabling law is out

So, after much, much hot air the regime had to show the enabling law it wants for Maduro to become a full time dictator. It does not matter whether the unconstitutional project is to silence the opposition or to purge the ranks of chavismo of its undesirable elements (they are all undesirable but apparently there are gradations within chavismo). The fact of the matter is that chavismo does not want its bankrupt regime to be discussed either on the air waves, or the newspapers and even less at the Nazional Assembly (yes, I am retaking the "Nazional Assembly" moniker because after this re-edition of Ermächtigungsgesetz the next step is our own version of Nuremberg Laws which the projected enabling law contemplates as an extension of our very own Tascon list).

The excuse the government offered is that there is a need to fight corruption and to face down a severe economic crisis. But the solution offered by this enabling law is to silence the opposition, find corruption there and among some token chavistas for good measure, more to make room for other corrupt chavista officials rather than any good intention.  The economic measures are fake ones as a regime whose currency went from 500 to a dollar to 50,000 to a dollar in 14 years has no credibility anymore on this respect. Amen of an inflation currently at 50% annual. As long as the perpetrators of this economic disaster remain in office no enabling law of any type will solve the problems. This is not a matter of laws, it is a matter of personnel.

80 years later copy
To illustrate the above, I will let you know what each item of the law truly means. The law is rather short, and curiously the Hitler one was very short too, and also 4 articles both. Some coincidences are too amazing to pass over.

Article 1, part 1, is supposedly to fight corruption.

Item 1-A states that the law wants to rebuild the morality of public administration and orient it to socialist values.  We are not far from official segregation, Nuremberg style.

Items 1-B and 1-C give the executive power of the country right to create mew types of crimes and fix the sanctions. See above.

Item 1-D, just as Hitler's article 4 was, allows the regime to take the international measures it sees fit, which basically means expropriate whatever foreign companies own here.

1-E is to make sure opposition parties cannot find electoral financing.

Items 1-F through 1-H are to give the government sole control on any foreign currency in the country.

Part 2 leads to the economic items.

Item 2-A basically gives the regime leeway to get rid of trade unions and contracting. That is, the trade unions of state companies that protest because the regime does not fulfill its obligations will be shut down.

Items 1-B through 1-E give the regime the power to intervene at will any aspect of economic activity, deciding what is done and by whom.  Item 1-F, the last one, is in fact a veiled disguise that expropriations will now proceed without compensations since it will be "to guarantee the right of the people to have goods and services, safe, of quality and just price".  This is impossible to achieve unless you force producers to sell at a loss if necessary, or expropriate them without the burden of owing the value of the property.

Article 2 is the nail in the coffin of private enterprise and freedom because Maduro will in fact have the right to qualify a law "organica", which in Venezuelan law means it can only be changed with a 2/3 majority in the parliament. The absurdity and unconstitutional nature of this provision is obvious since the parliament will not have a 2/3 vote for approving this law and yet Maduro will enact laws as if they got the 2/3 vote.

Now, does anyone still think we are not in a dictatorship?

You are of course all welcome to find the adequate parallels to any enabling law or repressive totalitarian regime of your preference.


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    We agree that you are a dictatorship. But you are for one reason only. The people of Venezuela have allowed it to happen. I am sickened by the chavizmo.

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    This hasn't actually passed yet has it?

    1. Does it matter? Should we wait to be outraged that the law passes? Is there any redeeming value in a regime that is able to propose such? Is chavismo not going to drive each the point and force the issue the way Hitler did in 1933? He did all that chavismo has started to do, including expelling or silencing opposition representatives.

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    We follow from Switzerlland the destructive evolution of a country that would have almost everythng to be one of the richest in the worrld. But we are also aware of the fact that several high ranking people of Venezuela have deposited large sums in Switzerland. But we have proof, that in the passt the major part of these criminal deposits have been restitutet to the countries,
    where the gouvenement was replaced..

  4. Daniel,

    They have been enacting what they pretend to "legalize" now. I suppose the sharpest use of this law will be in emasculating the elected mayors after 8 December.

    If you have names, say them.

  5. kernel_panic1:10 PM

    This thing is going to pass, they need it badly as to "finally secure power", don't be surprised that godgiven says that since borges and bracho lost their derecho de palabra, they cant vote and VOILA!

    Anything goes, that's the spirit for this new stage of chavismo, at least el supremo did some efforts to sugar coat his nasty thingies.

    This law WILL pass, and I agree with kepler.

    henrique&co: yes, it's important that on those elections we show everyone what a farce this regime is (as well as chavismo), but that is not enough, voting is just one more action to take, but by itself it won't even tickle chavismo, MENTALICENSE ESO! We're not bolsas...

    OT: Daniel, on the MCM post, I supposed you picked that picture as to make her look "presidential", but I've gotta say that is the ugliest pictures I've seen of her, and keep in mind that includes the one with her nose broken!

    1. I like that picture of Maria Corina; to me she is the best of all Venezuelan Politicians.

  6. Will unions or anyone protest? Can anyone pronounce "Ermächtigungsgesetz!"

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Go to
      and click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the first box.
      Ermächtigungsgesetz = enabling laws = las leyes de limpiar al país por tocador

  7. Boludo Tejano5:35 PM

    So much for "democratically elected."

  8. Anonymous6:09 PM

    After months of demands for maduro to supply his birth certificate proving he is Venezuelan born and therefore a possible legitimate candidate for president, tibesey miraculously pulls from her ass a venezeulan birth cirtificate. How convenient and how credible? Next she will supply all of their diplomas from clown college.


  9. I suppose we should just be grateful that the Chavistas are nowhere close to being as competent as the Nazis were. But, so long as they are not a serious threat to their neighbors, there will be no cavalry coming to save Venezuela. This is going to play itself out until there is a humanitarian crisis of major proportions creating a significant refugee crisis for Colombia and Brazil. I was saying years ago that mass-starvation would be the end result of this madness. That opinion was widely dismissed as absurd and that it could never happen in Venezuela. Hmmm....

  10. besides the impact of internal Venezuela consequences, I wonder what the likes of Dilma Rousef of Brasil and other leaders in Latin America will comment on the passage of such a "law" - should say "edict".. I pray that somewhere in Venezuela EVEN with teh Chavistas there is some conscience still, and it does NOT pass. Surely some of the Chvistas who are not so "pro Maduro" should also worry- they may be next in line for "corruption investigations". Very good analysis Daniel, thank you for taking the time..This kind of details i don't even see in the El-Nacional, nor other papers...

  11. Ronaldo7:20 PM

    The AN now has the power to pass any necessary laws. Period. That is their position description. This includes laws against corruption if needed. The enabling laws are not needed and will be used only to keep Maduro and his friends in power.

    Venezuela is a total mess today and will be hell if the enabling laws pass. Great post.

  12. Anonymous7:58 PM


    From Veneconomy: "(14/10/2013 06:06:10 p.m.) “The food sector has not suffered or will ever suffer from foreign currency shortages,”
    said Venezuelan Agriculture and Lands Minister Yván Gil. He said it was necessary to centralize all efforts in producing to satisfy the needs of the Venezuelan population and to that effect, he explained a lot of lands that have been “recovered” from large estates will be granted to the National Armed Force (FANB) for them to work them."

    Now that the productive lands that were expropriated by chavez, ransacked and lay dormant for years will now be farmed by the military, the threat of food shortages will soon disappear. What a joke...We can add Yvan Gil to the list of clown college graduates.


  13. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Daniel have seen this?

  14. Venezuela is a narco-dictatorship, of course it is. I just saw today´s pictures in of what's going on with the cadivi and national guard checkpoints in the airport. Disgusting, it's completely against our rights as citizens. They open suitcases, wallets, they ask some to undress. But yes, 40 suitcases of narcotics can be sneaked into a 747 under the nose of the authorities. Fkn' criminals...

  15. Yngvar8:05 PM

    According to Wikipedia proto-chavista Simón Bolívar issued a Decree of Dictatorship. Seems there is historical precedent.

    1. No, it is not. The country was in a real state of war and not an imaginary one as chavismo would like us to believe. Bolivar wrote whatever decrees he wrote (I suppose you refer to such things as the "decreto de guerra a muerte") because he had a war to win, there was no elected assembly most of the time, or it could nto gather freely, etc, etc....

      It is important NOT TO RELY on wiki articles on Venezuela as they are EXTENSIVELY manipulated by paid agents of chavismo. And apparently you have fallen for one of their "precedents"!!!!!

  16. Anonymous9:15 PM

    A not so red Chavista backed in to a corner by this anti-corruption carry on will be a risk for Maduro and co.
    Who knows where this could lead. I suspect there are many key characters, not necessarily Venezuelan, who hope Maduro can control this purge.
    Be careful what you wish for, as they say.


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