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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in review: the year we could not ignore anymore their "plan"

This year was quite rich in hints that not only the regime has no intention to ever leave office, but that it has a dark place in mind where it wants to take Venezuelan society. Even this blogger who thought that these guys were simply too incompetent to establish a "XXI century socialism", a.k.a. revamped communism, has to concede that they do not care about that because their real goal is clear and precise in their mind, though rather discrete in its public expression.

The primary goal, if you wish, was to create an anti US/anti capitalism society, a successful Castro Cuba if you wish. A long heralded goal by Fidel himself who soon after his arrival to power was intriguing to destabilize Venezuela nascent democracy. And he was successful in a way in that the struggle against Cuban invasion attempts in the 60ies probably helped along the transformation of what should have been a healthy left right bi-party system into a confused populist form of governance. Then Chavez had to be an almost natural outcome.

When Chavez was sworn in on February 2 1999 he encountered two problems to achieve whatever goal he had then. I truly think that at this point he had better intentions than he expressed later, thinking that maybe through democracy he would establish a not very democratic system that would be justified through prosperity and reasonable sharing of goods.  I think he started evolving toward an outright authoritarian system and a neo-commie left ideology when he found resistance to his fantasies and Fidel finished to seduce him and fill his brain with garbage. By 2003 it was game over with democracy.

But back to the two problems Chavez had in 1999.

The first one is that he carried to power a whole unsavory set of political failures from the previous 4 decades.  That is, the very large majority of people that surrounded him were people that never managed to amount to anything significant due to their short comings, their outdated ideology, their anger at having been left aside and not taken seriously for so many years. There may have been many failed leftists in the lot but there were even more failed Adecos and Copeyanos.  Chavistas did not come from "spontaneous generation". That lack of serviceable human resources is what has plagued chavismo from the start and forced him up to a point to rely on corruption and the army to ensure his hold on power because his hold on power cannot be attributed to the successful development of the country. Unless you think that importing food and distributing it for cheap or free to el pueblo is development.

The other problem was that at the eve of a new century of mass communication and international justice establishing an outright repressive regime was not possible. Thus Chavez had to rein in his narcissistic ambition and take a few years to establish his hold.  This came around by 2009 when the eternal election referendum was approved (or bought, as you wish).

But it is quite possible that already in 2009 Chavez suspected he was sick and things started to change. Quickly the objective became to ensure his reelection in 2012 as the only way to make sure that there would be the necessary time to effect the changes needed to ensure the long term survival of the regime. We know how this happened this year.

And this year we also were put in front of the unavoidable truth, the white elephant that too many politicians in the opposition, and even inside chavismo I dare say, had refused to see as long as Chavez was alive.

Three things have happened this year that illustrate not only the desperate desire of the regime to retain power at all costs, but also where it is headed.

Making a constitutional coup in January/February to ensure the election of Maduro in April, with outright stealing of election was one thing.

The second thing was the acknowledged will to destroy the economy and anything standing in front of the regime. That is, erase anything, any institution, any history book that predates 1999, or even 1992 for that matter. We saw that when commerce was looted last November regardless of the consequences, or when three of the coup-mongers of 1992 were illegally reintegrated in the army with a higher grade.

The third thing of course, flows from the above two and is the expressed will that anyone in the way will be swept, be they corrupt chavistas that had the bad taste to get caught or opposition politicians attacked just for that fact. The symbol here is with the political prisoners or exiles who are not forgiven, that are punished in the harshest human violations terms. Such as is the case of Ivan Simonovis, unjustly accused for 2002 events, unfairly tried, abusively condemned and who cannot even get proper medical care. All because freeing Simonovis would imply that the regime version of the events of 2002 is not quite the one imposed from Miraflores.

So you know now what the "plan" is. It consists in erasing anything that is not "chavista", even if it is at the price of ruining the country and killing a few. Only then the survivors will decide what to do with the country. Even people like Cabello for all the money and business they may have stolen are walking that path because after all, when all is consumed whatever little business will remain alive will be theirs.

We are back to our darkest days of the XIX century and the reactionary movement that Chavez launched is revealed in full. This is not anymore about communism or anti US, it is a group of people using communism with fascist methodology to create their own version of the thousand year caudillato, a term that deserves to be coined as to the system that in the feverish mind of Chavez existed in the XIX century of Venezuela, of the good caudillo war lord operating for the greater good of the people.


With this entry I am finishing the 2013 year in review series of entries. They may be bitter tasting for the reader but there is absolutely nothing positive to retrieve from this year, whatever little good happened easily overcome with all the bad..  I am wishing you a happy New Year festivity if you live in a place where one can go out with some reasonable security, this is not the case in Venezuela where crime and drunks make most sensible people chose a stay at home approach or invite friends to spend the night.   I will come back tomorrow with the first post for 2014 to wish you properly a Happy New Year and maybe some personal reflection, depending on how I do through the evening.


  1. Daniel,

    My best to you in 2014. Unfortunately the bleak picture you paint is nothing but the reality you face every day. I feel for the people of Venezuela.

    Be safe.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Dear Daniel, We follow your artclces in Switzerland, and try to convince others reading your blogg.
    Unortunatly too few peopple autside Venezuea realize what happens in your country. Even in the erious Europen press, NZZ in Switzerland, Le Monde Paris, etc. you read little of what happens in Venezuela. One reads from time to time about shortages and high prices, but as these aritcles do not mention the minimum of salary, they can not realize the catastrophic situation in which the majority of your people finds itself.
    For those it would be a good thing to inform the foreign readers abaut the income situation of the mass.
    We are gratefull for you you did and do and wish you some good moments in 2014.

  3. the thousand year caudillato

    That's a keeper. I expropriate!

  4. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Fidel never cared about Cubans. Thousands of deaths and a ruined Cuba proves it.
    Chavez never cared about Venezuelans. Chavez called Fidel "su padre"; there you are!
    55 years from today Venezuela will be as Cuba is today. The Popes, the USA, Latin America, etc. have been accomplices of Castro in different degrees but accomplices nevertheless. The worst thing that Capriles did was to visit the Pope, particularly this one.
    So you are in this shit for a long haul, and it will get worse by the day.
    Che Guevara said once: "con el imperialismo no se puede transigir ni un tantico asi..." while he showed the tip of a finger nail.
    That must be paraphrased like like this: " con el chavismo no se puede...".
    One way or the other you are going to die, so better die fighting!

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      And for those that might find "die" a little too hard, you have your dead already. Just remember the dead in Chavez' failed coup.
      And more will come!
      These people have no conscience, do not doubt it even for a minute.
      What is the meaning of all those references by Chavez and others that "esta es una revolucion pacifica pero armada"?

  5. Daniel, the regime is not doing well it's failing! The "dark place" it has in mind is all it can do to survive. It's scares me too.

  6. Ronaldo3:57 PM

    The description of Chavez creating his image as "the good caudillo war lord operating for the greater good of the people." is exactly what happened. Chavez was a bad leader but people felt that he was their leader while being blind to the consequences.

    Maduro is also a failing leader but without overwhelming support of the people, he cannot adopt the good caudillo title like Chavez.

  7. Hello and best wishes for all those things that could go right for you in 2014.
    I wonder if there was a way to get your blogs to media around the region. I see blogs in the webpages of newspapers. I feel what is going on in Venezuela is a cancer that is spreading in the region and somebody has to call it what it is as you have done. I would like to see your candid and educated commentary become available to more places more people un LA. I think there are a lot of people who do not read your blogs just because they are not aware of it.
    Please consider an spanish version, it would make it easier for so many people in the region that don't do English. Actually only a couple of my friends back home can read English. We then could hang your link in all the social medias we frequent. I feel those of us who have witness the destruction of Venezuela need to do what we can to prevent it in other places. I wish I could say that something can be done for Vzla, but honestly I think it will run it course now to a level fo destruction only socialism can do to a nation.
    I'll continue to read and dissagree when needed...thank you and those who make insightfull commentaries during the year/


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