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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The 2014 Christmas post

Let's forget for a couple of days our daily labors. And this year has plenty of things I would very much like to forget, from the public to the private sphere.  But so goes life.

Wishing you all a happy holiday, even if you could not find Harina PAN to make your hallacas.


  1. charly3:49 PM

    Happy holiday from the land where the weather oscillate from -20 to freezing rain. Enjoy your sun.

  2. Feliz Navidad amigo.

  3. Daniel,

    Personal pain has been my cross for the past few weeks and Christmas has found me am only grieving.Sometimes for me grief feels very similar to homesickness, or the loss of something very essential to who I am.When ever I was in Venezuela I missed Christmas in the US.When in the US i miss Christmas in Venezuela, because both places are part of me. So I think this:

    I see through my window
    window home through my eyes
    I see home where the wind goes
    Wind blows home across the skies

    May your Christmas be warm, and may you feel at home.


  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Good wishes to you, dear Daniel, and a good holliday season, Keep on and ,courrage and I am sure, your articles help to wake up some that still dreaming instead acting.

    Your friend Rodolphein Switzerland.

  5. Merry Christmas! Nothing will take us that away.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Not be so sure about it. In Cuba they erased it from the people's conscience from 1968 until 1998 when the Pope went to Cuba, it has not come back yet as it was before!

    2. Oops...I meant "Nothing will take that away from us."
      It was too late.

      That won't happen in Venezuela (although I have to say I am pissed off with the spread of santería and fundamentalist, intolerant variations of different beliefs).

    3. says the intolerant of santería and fundamentalist beliefs ... jajajaja!

    4. el arbolito de navidad en Cuba...

  6. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Feliz Navidad. Thanks for all the insight.

  7. ¡Feliz Navidad!

  8. 1979 BP12:36 AM

    Wishing you Daniel and this blog readers A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2014.

  9. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Estimado Daniel:

    Como quisiera poderte enviar el Pernil, Las Hallacas, La Ensalada de Gallina y el Pan De Jamon que estoy a punto de servir en la mesa, pero por Internet la vaina no furula.

    En mi mesa dejare dos puestos vacios, uno para ti y uno para tu S.O.

    Algun dia, llenaran esos puestos.

    Gracias a ti por tu lucha sin cuartel

    Por seguir en Venezuela

    Por tratar de despertar a los que siguen soñando en pajaritos preñados.

    Feliz Navidad y que Dios ilumine tu sendero siempre

    Roberto N

    PD: Y a los que leen este blog, igual les deseo unas Felices Navidades!!

  10. Joyeux Noel Daniel.

  11. Feliz navidad Daniel, un abrazo y millones de gracias por todo el trabajo que haces para nosotros.

  12. Island Canuck7:04 AM

    Merry Christmas from Isla Margarita

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Felicidades Daniel y gracias. Bon courage.


  14. Milonga1:34 PM

    Season's Greetings to you and your readers!
    Keep the courage and the good job!!!
    A new year always brings hope of better times. They never come, but one keeps wishing.
    One day it will happen, hope it is sooner than later. Hope it will happen in 2014!
    Big abrazo!

  15. Vengo un poco tarde para desearte Feliz Navidad, Daniel, y todo lo mejor en este Año Nuevo. Gracias por tus escritos que se conectan a un rinconcito de nuestro corazón, y abran una ventanita - aunque minima - de esperanza que algún día reinará el sentido común en la política venezolana.

  16. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
    Prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar


  17. Thanks for your insightful postings, Daniel. We can only hope that life in Venezuela will be better or least not worsen in 2014 as much as you are predicting.


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