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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Brief comments on the OAS resolution

The lengthy and often postponed OAS debate on the situation of Venezuela gave birth to a shameful communique where only two countries saved their honor by putting comments down, the USA and Panama (although I understand that Canada did not approve but the tally of the votes does not appear).

Three conclusion: 1) the OAS is clearly useless 2) the regime scores a point and 3) the April 2013 strategy of Capriles and the MUD is exacting a heavy price on them.

1) In spite of all evidence the OAS refuses to go further than an exhortation to peace that places, almost, the Maduro regime as the victim. That is, OAS has simply desisted in examining democratic behavior. What matters is only whether and "elected" president is overthrown legally or not. that is, the Cuban strategy applied though Chavez of minimizing the OAS has worked beautifully and it is now a castrato without a voice.

2) The regime scores because not only the OAS will not send any mission or observation, not only the OAS will not go beyond an exhortation but the OAS also writes "Its appreciation, full support, and encouragement for the initiatives and the efforts of the democratically-elected Government of Venezuela ...". there is an "and" after that to include other sectors but the first part is the one that counts, the one where Maduro is considered democratically-elected when we all know the gigantic fraud that was committed last April 2013.

3) Having failed to be more energetic about the claim of fraud in April 2013 and making it worse by putting all eggs in yet another fraudulent election in December 2013 has been noted. The strategy of Capriles and the MUD has failed at home, but more importantly, has failed overseas demonstrating once again that the Venezuelan opposition has no coherence and as such it is difficult to take it seriously. Indirectly the OAS states that there are waiting for some one serious enough to talk to in Venezuela. Meanwhile Maduro it is.

But of course long time readers of this blog shall not be surprised by this turn of events.


  1. kernel_panic4:31 PM

    Daniel, totally agree.

    I think capriles and the MUD la pusieron big time with the whole salserolazo thing. Ive been watching your small conversation with @juannagel and I disagree with him for very simple reasons.

    If capriles indeed won and got screwed, he LET THEM SCREW HIM, because eventually he accepted maduro as president, he cooled off the streets, asked for acceptance and that "we will show them on december", yeah, right, like that worked.

    Cpriles and the MUD strategy to claim fraud was a complete failure, because they simply stopped and gave in. For this reason alone, not only I but a lot of venezuelans feel that capriles is a tremendo pusilanime y un incapaz, if he wasnt able to fight for his cause, how can we expect him to represent us on ours (not to mention fighting for ours), we felt somewhere in between treasoned and abandoned, and that is being reflected on the current vision the resistencia has on the MUD: they no longer represent us.

    As in chavismo, now there is a clear break in the opposition, those who follow the MUD and those who dont, I dont know the exact numbers for each, but one thing is certain: the trend is clearly leaning to those of us that reject the MUD.

    1. In all fairness Capriles and the MUD had master teachers about calling fraud and then moving on as if nothing: AD did so in 2004 and 2005.

      PJ se ADequizo.

    2. kernel_panic4:50 PM

      "PJ se ADequizo."

      A good way to put it.

      In fact, now that you say it, the "big players" at the MUD are nothing but a bunch of ADquizados (AD,PJ,UNT) and COPEyombies. In the end, they seem to be the same crap that made people think "yes, this chavez guy is going to end all of this bulldoodie" Only that this time around, even chavezheaters are also hating anything that resembles the carcasses of the "4th republic" parties era.

      My concern regarding the end of the dictatorship is that what will follow? As a society we need to start from scratch...

  2. The OAS has proved to be useless for years, if not decades. The only hope of external influence via sanctions is perhaps the UN and the USA. Let's see how those play out but I am not optimistic. The world doesn't care about Venezuela, even less the US since the US internal oil production is booming at the moment.

    1. We could say that Venezuela has served its purpose for the US.....

    2. kernel_panic4:36 PM

      And dont forget that theyre kinda busy with ukraine and syria.

      BTW, daniel,

  3. Charly4:50 PM

    A government under siege, a headless opposition but resistance all over the place, a recipe for chaos. But watch if and when the government is about to fall, neighboring countries will not talk about sending their own troops to the rescue of "democracy". In Spanish there is a beautiful word for these people: cabrones.

    1. Charly10:24 PM

      Out of subject but still on subject.

      From the mouth of the latest local Nazi . Those people are just falling over one another to end up first on the bench of the accused in an international court of justice. Every time they open their mouth following one of their mischief, It helps the Just Cause.

    2. Charly,

      Wow! And she is from the Public Defender's Office???

  4. Subterfuge will not pay the bills! The regime's economic policy is unsustainable, and in time, what we all have been declaring as inevitable for many years, will eventually become the tipping point. A forest fire may burn everything to the ground, but from the devastation a new more vigorous forest rises up. The trick will be to make sure future generations don't forget the lessons we are learning now! Everything needs to be documented for the sake of history.

  5. Auuuvienelobo11:41 PM


  6. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Live feed from Altamira Square

    Mike Nelson

  7. Why the protest will fail:

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I am hearing rumors that there will be strong confrontation on Monday. These aren't students either. People are fettup.

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      That "rumor" and fifty cents will get you a cup of coffee.

  9. The OAS might have told the Nazzies and the Jews to have a dialogue. After all, the Nazzies were democratically elected! I'm not sure if the concentration camps and ovens would have made an impression on them due to their deep respect for democracy.

  10. Island Canuck8:26 PM

    Orgullosamente Gocho ‏@Sandoval_Vzla 32m

    Hey Daniel.
    Are the people of Yaracuy beginning to wake up?

    1. It looks like. But in Yaracuy 50 people is like 5000 in Caracas.

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Madonna Secret Project Venezuela

    Short Version -

    Long Version -


  12. Anonymous12:18 AM

  13. Anonymous2:19 AM

    My wife is Venezuelan and the family that is still left there are Doctors, everyday we keep hearing how bad it is getting from them and her classmates from UCV who stayed in Venezuelan. Some of those have asked how they can come here (US) and work because there I are no supplies and worst of all no security

  14. Anonymous2:26 AM

    And to top it all off today on Doctors day, the clown tries to show how he supports the medical field (Cubans) by trying to pull rabbits out of his ass in that the govt is going to spend all this money for equipment and more clinics for all Venezuelans (Cubans) and tells the real Venezuelan Doctors, "to do more with less". If there was any less people will be dying left and right. When is the rest of the country going to wake up, because all Venezuelans will have to do more with less, until there is nothing left and all he'll breaks out and many, many people are going to die, when they could of been saved.


    1. A friend in New York says this is how the NY Times' CCS correspondent is reporting local events. Is his conclusion right?

    2. First, this oped is from a local writer, not a NYT journalist.

      Second the NYT seems to trust people that do not understand what is motivating the protest. Hence pieces like this one which not necessarily wrong but which fails to explain why things happen the way they do.

    3. Daniel, I didn't say it was written by an NYT journalist, I said it was someone acting as a correspondent to the NYT, who apparently lives in Caracas. Or did the NYT just "lift" it? I read this article carefully and couldn't see anything particularly wrong with it. Why these things are happening in your country remain a mystery to me and I'm sure to many others but there are plenty guessing. The writer of the article is no exception. The scenario you have seems unlike any other troubled nation.

    4. Ross, the way you wrote led me to suppose you assumed it was a correspondent, which I think it is not. It was a piece asked by the NYT to a local which does not make him a correspondent, just an OpEd guest.

      This being said I did not say that piece was wrong but suggested it was incomplete in that it does not fathom, in my opinion, some of the motors of the protests.

      I posit that the WaPo does a better job than the NYT who for some obscure reason seems an involved party and thus does not see the whole picture.


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