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Thursday, April 03, 2014


Dear readers.

I am going to be forced to cover less Venezuela events in the next crucial days, and with less details.  My S.O. of 15 years has a cancer that may be terminal and we only found out late February.   That would explain all the health problems he has had since last October. It also explains why I am in Caracas for now over a month.

Dealing with the current situation in Venezuela, seeing from close all the failures in the health system would give material for a book. But I do not have much time to write. Nor do I have the emotional stamina to write about it.

I will keep writing in the blog as it is a way to keep my mind off my personal situation. After all, some hospitals do have WiFi, you know...  But it will be irregular, from ten posts in a day to a week silence.


  1. Daniel, so sorry to hear your partner and you are having to deal with this disease and all that comes with it. God bless you both.


  2. 1979 BP7:40 PM

    Dear Daniel,

    I am very sorry to hear this news.

    May God bless you all.

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    My prayers for you and you loved one.


  4. Shit!
    Cancer sucks.
    I am lucky as I was diagnosed colon cancer in December of 2013 and it is curable.
    Stay strong Daniel.

    1. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Curable if caught in time, it is essential to do the test .

  5. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Have strength to overcome this and witness a better future for Venezuela and its future generations.
    Caracas Canadian

  6. thoughts and prayers with you. stay strong.

  7. So sad to read this news. A friend of mine lost her mother to stomach cancer even though the hospitals were in better shape a couple of years ago.
    Be strong and i will understand if you don´t see fit to publish in your here.

  8. I am very sorry to hear the news, Daniel. You and your S.O. will be in my thoughts. Dan

  9. I am very sorry for you and your partner having to go throght this. I am holding you both in my heart and my prayers. Where there is love there is always hope. Nora

  10. I hope you both find strength. Peace. --jsb

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    There is no doubt all who congregate to your blog are saddened by the news. Fighting sadness is in a way about as hard as fighting injustice. You of all people have that fire inside you. Our thought will accompany you.

  12. I am incredibly triste due to these bad news Daniel.
    I believe a good mood and a positive and happy state of mind is crucial to cope with these terrible things, try and be happy above all things!

    Much love!

  13. Mojopo12:04 AM

    Please accept my good wishes for your partner, and that you find the strength you will need to help him. You both will be in my thoughts. God bless.

  14. Boludo Tejano12:22 AM

    I am sorry to hear that. I will pray for you and your significant other.

  15. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Daniel thinking of your partner, Be strong. Thank you for your great blog and for letting us know what is going on there.

  16. Island Canuck12:27 AM

    Daniel, I was saddened by the news of your SO.
    The frustration of dealing with something out of your personal control, whether it be the situation of Venezuela or the sadeness of personal tragedy, is very hard to deal with.

    Be strong. My thoughts are with you.

  17. Very sorry to hear about it but still I hope for the best.

  18. I'm very sorry to hear that; praying for you both.

  19. Sending our love and prayers

  20. Charly1:05 AM

    Daniel, I only know you trough your writings but it sadden me to hear the difficult time you both are going trough as if you were personal friends.

  21. Sorry for such a sad news. Good luck for both of you. / VJ

  22. Sorry to read this news Daniel. I have been reading your blog for years. Wishing you and your significant other positive thoughts for a positive outcome! You both will survive your current situation.

  23. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I read you almost everyday, and sometimes several times a day, even though I may not post a comment. I wish your partner will improve and that everything will turn out ok. Keep up your incredible work. If only there were more of you in Venezuela! A patriot!. If you need any help from the US, let me know. If it is in my hands, I will do it.

    1. Same here. Sorry to hear that.

  24. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Daniel, I am so very sorry. You do what you have to do. You will be in my heart and thoughts.
    Your faithful reader, Milan

  25. Anonymous2:05 AM

    My thoughts are with you both - strength!

  26. Best of luck to your beloved and to you.

  27. Dios Te Bendiga y tu pareja...

  28. Roberto Carlos3:03 AM

    Truly sad at the news Daniel, wish you both strength in this difficult time.

  29. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I will continue to look for your postings, but respect your precious time with your loved one. It is clear from all the comments that as your readers we have developed a solidarity with you. My best thoughts, Luisa

  30. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Daniel, you, your S.O., and Venezuela are in my thoughts and my prayers. I know you will find the strength to face these hardships with the courage you have shown through your blog.

    M. M. Morze

  31. Daniel, so sorry to hear. Please let the SO know that we are all thinking of you and wishing for the best.

  32. You have my heartfelt wishes for your S.O.s recovery.I can only imagine how hard things must be for the both of you right, on all levels.Wishing you only the best.Daniel.firepigette

  33. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Terribly sorry, Daniel. Please, take care of your partner, and take care of yourself. Those are your first obligations. I wish your partner a speedy recovery.


  34. Laura4:08 AM

    Daniel, te conozco solo a traves de este blog - por el cual estoy profundamente agradecida - y a tu S. O. por referencia. Pero les acompan/o de todo corazon en esta nueva batalla que ambos enfrentan; mis pleagarias y buenos deseos para los dos. Desde Indiana, con mucho aprecio.

  35. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Un abrazo Daniel. Les envio fuerza y paz.

  36. Nebelwald4:52 AM

    Mucha fuerza Daniel, para ambos.

  37. Anonymous5:25 AM

    After following your blog posts for a couple of years now I consider you a much-beloved, much-respected friend. Obviously many others feel the same. Perhaps knowing that will give you a little more strength to get through the tough times ahead. Good luck to you and your partner.

  38. I am very saddened and can only wish you and your partner the best possible under the circumstances, may our thoughts and prayers be of help and strength.

  39. I'm very sorry to read this Daniel.
    Un abrazo y mucha fortaleza a ambos.

  40. prayers and warm thoughts for you and your special person. don't worry about the blog- take care of yourself.. thanks for making the best blog on Venezuela in the world.. My heart is with you...

  41. Auuuvienelobo7:06 AM

    Browse and share all the good in live you where humbled about, we will find a moon to howl! Like you remembered us!

  42. Keep the faith Daniel, my prayers are with you and your SO. By the way can we have a name for SO that I might focus? A nickname is fine, I need to visualize.

  43. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Dear Daniel,

    I am very sorry to hear that you and your SO are dealing with that terrible disease. We your readers are with both.

    Es un momento dificil ojala lo superen.


  44. Hugs Daniel. My love to you both.

  45. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Mi Dios los bendiga a los Dos !!!!!

  46. pi3141612:47 PM

  47. Daniel

    Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you and your S.O. Be strong and faithful during this challenge and know that you have an extended family supporting you online throughout the world.

    Warm wishes, Marc from soFLA married to a San Cristobal Gaucho

  48. Lamento mucho leer esto, Daniel.

    Espero que las cosas vayan lo mejor posible para tu pareja y para tí.

  49. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Daniel... my prayers are with you and your partner. May you both find comfort in your company.

  50. Milonga3:01 PM

    Dano, I love you. I'm so sorry you've had to make such an announcement. Give all your energy to what matters. We'll be praying for both of you. And looking forward to better days. Un fuerte abrazo para ambos!

  51. Anonymous3:49 PM

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are a good man and may your partner find peace.


  52. I am so sorry... difficult times. Daniel just focus on what it is important for you now...the best for you and your SO

  53. Ronaldo4:41 PM

    You and your SO have my prayers for adequate medical treatments and a complete recovery. Keep your stress down but if you need a release, your writing and opinions on this blog are always appreciated.

  54. Sorry to read this. I hope your partner is able to recover & quickly.

  55. Your blog is the first thing that I look forward to read when I get up. You've weathered a terrible adversity for 15 years, with strength and dignity. Your partner knows this and it has to be a comfort for him.

    1. I mean the 15 year Chavista fiasco in Venezuela.

  56. Anonymous6:07 PM

    May you and your SO find the strength to deal with the trials ahead, the prayers to help through the night and the peace to come.......

    Thinking of you both, and praying for you two........

    Roberto N

  57. I am so sorry to hear about this, Daniel. Rest assured, la lucha siga, y otros van para asumir la carga. So, forget about the war for now and take care of yourself and your SO.

  58. Sorry to hear this news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. you have made such a huge contribution to keeping all informed it will be hard with out you. Love from Toronto.

  59. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Sorry to hear that, Daniel.

  60. Lo lamento mucho Daniel. Mucha fuerza y amor para tu pareja.

  61. Bridge9:59 PM

    my thoughts are with you both !

  62. Anonymous11:01 PM


    Don't let the doctors determine what is "terminal" in terms of time left on this earth. Fight the disease with all your strength together with your S.O.

    I know more than one terminally ill person with cancer that is still alive 10 years later.

    It's in God's hands and after all, we are all terminal. My wife's and my prayers are with you.


    1. good advice MIke. My mother survived several illnesses in her lifetime that were deemed terminal.Once they told us she would die during the night, but she came through and went on to live 34 more years.firepigette

  63. Dear Daniel,

    My thoughts are with you and your S.O.

    All the best!

  64. Anonymous3:12 AM

    I am very sorry to hear the news but may you have the strength to fight and defeat it. My prayers are with you two. Por aquí los espero.
    Mercedes Atencio

  65. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Daniel, my heartfelt prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to you and your partner.
    Mary in Chicago

  66. Daniel: As a cancer survivor myself, I can only suggest that you (and your partner) NEVER give up hope. Aggressive treatment and good Doctors generally give good results.

  67. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Daniel, I am really sorry for the news. May God help you and your S.O. in these hard times. Keep your faith no matter of what.

  68. My prayers are with you and your S.O. And I second kenprice's comment above. Never give up hope. I wish for a positive outcome to your S.O.'s treatment.

  69. I pray for both of you. But, give us a name to relate to. Here in the US , SO is an old term that has been replaced by husband, wife or same sex spouse. It gives far more meaning to the relationship. To show amour for another person is not a sin.
    Have you looked at getting second opinions outside of Venezuela? Even the French protectorates in the Carib would probably have better medical services?

  70. Daniel, my thoughts are with you and your S.O. Thank you for letting us know.

  71. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Lo siento mucho Daniel.
    Me entristece mucho oir esta mala noticia.
    Mucha fuerza.

  72. Dear Daniel,
    I am very sorry to hear this news.
    My thoughts are with you and your S.O.

  73. Dear Daniel,
    Have a look at this.
    Venezuela has this aloe (called aloe candelabro). The recipe is easy. Not all aloes are equally effective, so if you will spend the energy, get the right one.

  74. Best wishes dude...

  75. Our thoughts are with you.

  76. Love and prayers from London. We wish you both all the very best.

  77. best wishes and prayers to you and yours.
    I have been following this blog since I started dating,later married , a lovely gal from Venezuela in 2002.

    my 81yr old mother in law just went back to VE after a 6month stay here on the outer banks of NC.

    If you ever get to NC contact me.
    Duke Universty medical has a wonderful cancer treatment facility.

  78. LemmyCaution8:19 PM

    wish you all the best from Germany. Mi ex o no tan ex chilena tiene cancer igual.

    Great work over the years, Daniel.

  79. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Daniel tengo mucha pena por Uds, estoy rezando para que ocurra un milagro, animo y fortaleza frente a la adversidad les deseo. La Maga Lee

  80. Daniel, I am very sorry to hear about your son but don't lose hope. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  81. I am deeply saddened by these news. Sending my very best wishes to you both for a complete recovery.

  82. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Dear Daniel,
    I only know you thru internet, but came to appreciate and respect you all along,
    my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,


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