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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

One year ago the regime started its nemesis

One year ago the regime decided to put Leopoldo Lopez in jail. The error of that is now clear for all, even for the regime that is seriously considering killing him.

In one year of martyrdom Leopoldo Lopez has become a national hero and is ahead to become the first post chavismo president. That is, if he is alive. Indeed reports of mistreatment and possible torture are now common from the Ramo Verde jail where he is held while his trial on trumped up charges goes nowhere fast.

But the regime who thought that putting Lopez in jail would be a smart trick is finding itself in trouble. Major trouble.

First, the repressive and dictatorial nature of the current regime has been thoroughly exposed to the world through the intense repression of February and March 2014. Now we even have ex-presidents of democratic countries daring to come to Venezuela to try to visit Lopez and thus exposing crudely, nailing the point of the neo-fascist nature of the regime.

Second, in their obsession of survival, in their obsession to quash the inner dissidence of chavismo, the regime has been busier avoiding any form of dialogue, persecuting opposition as a token to gain internal chavismo unity than in dealing with the economic problems of the country. A year after the jailing of Lopez, the economic measures that the regime should have taken then have not been taken and now we suffer what is probably going to turn out to be the worst economic crisis since the Federal Wars of the XIX century.

Third, less obvious perhaps, is that the clear neo-fascist nature of the regime is slowly deciding international factors to raise the pressure. Now the US is able, just by withdrawing visas, to stir the pot and expose not only Venezuelan prickly nature but also some of the enablers that this regime still has (cf. UNASUR dismal reaction this past week).

Third bis, corruption and drug trafficking charges are also becoming more frequent as "defectors" are now reported. Note the use of the words "defectors" and "defection" in international press to qualify those who leave the regime to denounce it, words that imply the dictatorial nature of the regime. It is now the #2 of the regime, Diosdado Caebllo, who is under interantional fire. The regime's reactions are taking ridiculous proportions as its crazed self is threatening democratic countries that do not control their press freedom as the regime would like it to do. The recent dramatic case is the convocation at Miraflores Palace of the directors of Spanish business in Venezuela to threaten them with expropriation if they do not put pressure on the Spanish government to curb negative reporting in the Spanish press.  Spain, and Europe, was not amused. I cannot think of a better example to characterize the utter non democratic nature of the personnel in charge of Venezuela today.

And more than these can come to mind. The point here is that Leopoldo Lopez has achieved more to expose the Venezuelan regime from his cell at Ramo Verde than what the lackluster opposition has done this year. Draw your own conclusions as to where this is going to go in the end.


I would like to add this cartoon of Weil, as to why Lopez is truly in jail. For calling spades, spades.

I denounce corruption.


  1. Charles Lemos12:40 AM

    Desde Colombia volvemos a insistir: "“Esperamos que Leopoldo López recupere su libertad lo antes posible”.

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Charles: Quite lamentable that Colombia is not in a position to insist.

    I find it deplorable the way the opposition in Venezuela has treated LL.They simply do not deserve him.


  3. Leopoldo's interview with CNN really pissed Maduro off. Going against Ledezma is a major international blunder but it will keep public opinion entertained while the economy continues to crash. What to do now? Should we hit the streets now or the day the cancel parlamentary elections?

  4. Charles Lemos5:29 AM

    I just heard about the arrest of Antonio Ledezma. Incredible. It will be interesting to see what happens next but I suspect the regime is all in on increased repression.


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