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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Do not think it that far from chavista land to the Islamic State

Find the 7 differences:

You could not? You won! There are no differences!

They share the same mental construct, those that rewrite or destroy history because they do not like it, because it is not convenient, or because they are idiots. Be they the chavistas who tumbled down the statue of Columbus in Caracas on October 2004, or ISIS fighters trashing the archeological museum at Mosul, they are the same crap. Nor do they care whether the pieces are original: what matters is the iconoclastic gesture. And if truly worthy pieces like in Bamiyan must be blown up, so be it.

What separates for now chavista jack asses from ISIS murderers is just  a matter of crime intensity and the specifics. In the end they are both the product of fundamentalist alienation.


  1. You need to get out before they jail you or shoot you.

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Eventually all the statues and images of Hugo Chavez and Che will be torn down and destroyed. I won't be unhappy.

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    You look in many other places in the world and people lash out violently. In Venezuela they tweet pictures and line up in queues.

    What do you think it is about Venezuelan culture that allows them to be this passive? What will it take to change this country? I could not imagine raising a family in this country.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      umpteen years of dictatorship in the past...


    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      In my opinion the only thing that can procure long term changes is something that requires long term learning : what authoritarian thinking is in all its myriad forms, its consequences, how to spot it,and how to combat it.

      It's not that Venezuela has the corner on it, but it is extremely bad there.Common ways of expression: sucking up and kicking down, herd thinking, ganging up on people who don't fit in, over reliance on experts and status quo thinking, a tendency to blame others, dependence, bullying, sado-masochistic behavior,rigidity in thinking,counter-phobia , lack of consequential value systems depending on levels of fear, too much loyalty to outer strength and not enough on personal development...and the list goes on.Venezuela has a 'caste' system that goes against social mores to break.


    3. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Not enough people are willing to die for the cause yet. The government is still giving them what they need to continue breathing until another day so they keep their heads down and line up for the food that is available. On top of the fact the government keeps trying to convince them things aren't really that bad and that it will get worse if the current system isn't in place.

    4. Anonymous9:22 PM

      people are enjoying their long lines i hear, even throwing parties


  4. Charly6:53 PM

    Nice pictures; islamofascism vs criollofascism.

  5. Nebelwald7:09 PM

    I think they both share common ground in social resentment and a monster chip on their shoulder. They manage their new found power as spoiled children and need to "get even". They both share a deep disdain for those that do not share their beliefs to the point that killing is acceptable for them. The cultural contexts are different enough that wholesale slaughter, such as in Iraq and Siria, is too much for most criollo extremists. IS wants to impose sharia law and the caliphate upon the world .... chavistas want to impose their revolution and belief system upon the rest of Venezuelans, and the rest of Lat Am for starters. There will be a hard core that will not be open to dialogue ....

    1. Charly7:54 PM

      As long as IS does not impose sharia law in Venezuela, local military will be able to keep saluting.

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    there are still some sane people left, though my heart goes out to them



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