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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Judicial coup for dummies

So I am late into the fray, just learning about an hour ago what the High Court has done today. See, I live in reality. I had a delicate situation with my S.O. and, besides appointments, part of the day was to look all around for rather simple antibiotics, and pain killers and anti inflammatory pills. We found two of them, not the ones recommended by the physician albeit acceptably less suitable alternatives.

In a waiting room I got wind of the declarations of the new minister for urban agriculture. I found the video tonight (at end of this entry). Indeed, she wants everyone to grab a tin can, and empty bottle, put some dirt and recycle the roots of any vegetable we can, starting with green onions.

Today we also learned that Venezuela oil barrel has reached its lowest price since 2002.

Recycling the root system of green onions? Can I plant pot instead so as to escape reality?

All of this to give you a little context for what comes next.

The battle between the electoral hall of the high court (e-TSJ for short) and democracy keeps apace. The e-TSJ has decided today (even though they should be on judicial holiday) that seating the representatives for Amazonas was illegal and puts the National Assembly into contempt. And thus ANY decision of the N.A. is void and will be.

There is no point in going back into the detail of the contentious. For recall what the e-TSJ has done is illegal for many reasons: all appeals in front of the electoral board CNE have not been exhausted; there is no legal emergency; even with three seats less the N.A. can vote on 99% of laws it  needs to vote on; the e-TSJ first ruling came during judicial holiday; the e-TSJ has no right to void an election without some form of trial; etc.; etc.; and without mentioning that the allegations of fraud committed in Amazonas, even if true, pale in comparison to the accusations of fraud for every chavista candidate elsewhere.

Clearly, electoral justice is the least concern of the e-TSJ. The objective is elsewhere.

The objective is to stop the N.A. work before it has a chance to start hearings and voting laws that will limit or erase the power of the chavista elite. Complicated by whatever internal fight chavismo is having.

That is why a faction of chavismo, more than likely led by Diosdado Cabello as Maduro has more to lose in such a confrontation, uses the courts to undo the Assembly election. Going to the point of threatening the dismissal of the N.A. with the TSJ taking upo its functions until X.

The reactions of the N.A. were equally previsible. And the N.A. vice chair stated that they were not going to respect a "political" ruling of the e-TSJ.

It is also an excellent opportunity to remember a December 12, 2014 article in El Pais from Spain, English section where it is explained that
reviewed 45,474 sentences issued between 2004 and 2014 by the political, electoral and constitutional chambers at Venezuela’s Supreme Courts - in charge of government oversight. The group published the results in a new book, El TSJ al servicio de la revolución (Editorial Galipan), which it is distributing in the country in an almost clandestine manner. Analysts and journalists see this thick book as a gem. The main conclusion of this long essay is that the Supreme Court has never delivered a sentence against the government.
My emphasis. I rest my case, the e-TSJ ruling has nothing to do with electoral justice. This is a judicial coup in progress where a partisan named court will undo the popular will exerted through perfectly legal, even if biased, elections.

That is all.

So, what next?

Certain argue that the N.A. and Ramos Allup acted harshly, that after all they could start doing a few things with the 109 other seats. That they should have waited even if it left Amazonas without representation at a crucial time.

Others, like the ones rejecting the ruling, think that there is no other way but to confront.

I side with the later for various reasons.

- The e-TSJ "ruling" is not the first, it is already the second and there is already clear evidence that more is coming. The ex-chair of the TSJ has said it so, anticipating today's e-ruling (I have written a lot on her, Luisa Estela Morales Lamuño, in this blog).

- Avoiding a confrontation is useless. Postponing may make sense but when the regime attacks first you need to reply and up the ante.

- This is a thugocracy/kleptocracy/drug-lord-ocracy. Legal elegance is something that flies way above their heads. Accepting any thing from them is just the same as validating their crimes and pushing them forward.

A coup, violence, is unavoidable because the leader of the violent is Diosdado Cabello and he sees in his future an orange suit. Unfortunately there are dozens that also are looking at different ways to wear orange. If anyone disagrees with me they are welcome to explain why I am wrong.

Considering the reality that I live in I am painfully aware that what the regime seeks is to delay any action from the National Assembly and this will be leaving el pueblo, me, with neither food nor medicine. But, my friends, confronting or not the regime IS NOT going to speed up the solution to our problems. We can be only sure of one thing: as long as Maduro and Cabello are in charge, nothing, absolutely nothing will get fixed. They cannot fix it. They cannot care less.

Might as well go for it.


There is an older video of this weirdo saying that she would pinch the balls of any gringo landing in Venezuela during the uproar of the DEA putting narco-personnel on its lists. I suppose her agricultural project include also planting pot at home?


  1. When Cabello watched impassively while his legislators came to blows with the opposition including nearly breaking Maria CM's nose, I thought "how bizarre that he can just get away with it." The whole world including the AG and Public Defender had to have seen this. And they did absolutely nothing. Those were different times in the famous correlation of power. Supposedly the new AN has public opinion on their side. Supposedly even Globovision and Televen are pissing Maduro off. Supposedly we have Almagro convinced. Argentina is a watching. The Chilean Supreme court is watching. Can Cabello do anything beyond sound menacing? Aporrea is no longer genuflecting. Does Cabello really have command over any part of the Armed Forces? Are any armed groups that organized?

    1. Forget outsiders. These governments you expect to help the Venezuelan people have been shitting on the Cuban people for years, aiding and cheering the Castro dictatorship, and nowadays they see Obama giving Raúl Castro whatever he can manage as long as it bypasses the USA senate. The Europeans are crawling like rats in Havana trying to make deals with the ruling Mafia, and the Canadians continue to enjoy sexual tourism as they have done for many years. This leads me to conclude Venezuela will simply be treated the same way once Maduro has established a dictatorship. And why shouldn't Maduro expect to get away with whatever, when his Cuban boss, Raul Castro, is basking and glowing as nations arrive in Havana to bow to his highness?

    2. Good comment. Other countries have little to no power over what happens in Vzla. They can only opine if it is not too much trouble.

  2. A note.

    One option for the Assembly is to keep up discussing the new laws and have them ready to vote and blame that they cannot vote them on the regime. Or something like that.

    But I think that the state of shelves early this year is going to solve the political problem soon enough.

    1. Same opinion. I think the best option for the NA is to confront directly and blame on any course of action on the government. Let them take the blame. Also, this will take precedent when you want to default debt payments since any intention of aquiring more debt will not have the agreement of the NA

    2. The National Assembly should continue to extend a hand to the Chavista elites, work on laws that need to be passed. To legislate in the economic area they will need a National Bank report as set forth in the constitution, which means President Maduro and his pet court will have to agree, in writing, that the national bank law passed by Maduro was unconstitutional. They should also request a detailed report from Eulogio del Pino, the PDVSA president. I would also request a white paper written by the large foreign oil companies with properties in Venezuela (Rosneft, Chevron, Repsol, Total, ENI) to explain their current status and what is limiting their ability to invest.

      You, see contrary to government propaganda the Chavez regime didn't really nationalize the oil industry, it simply changed terms. These terms were considered toxic by Exxon and ConocoPhillips, but the others stayed. However, PDVSA serves as control and operator, it owns 60 % of the joint ventures, and it mismanages them horribly. The current structure simply makes it impossible to invest in large projects, and this in turn is killing PDVSA. Furthermore, it's causing terrible damage to the infrastructure and the reservoirs. This needs to be revealed to the AN and to the Venezuelan people, it's an urgent matter.

    3. Absolutely. The MUD should start producing Laws, with their 112 deputies. Y punto. (sadly, the knuckle-heads are working first on the "vivienda" titles, (for which Chavismo gets credit) instead of setting Leopoldo and others free, instead of proposals to get Medicine and food out there.

      A proposal to spend 1 Billion - or whatever - in Medicines and hospitals, for instance, would gain popular support. If vetoed, or rendered null by the TSJ thugs, it's a blow against Chavismo..

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Daniel, the Assembly should continue it's work ignoring the ruling almost completely - all they should do is make sure it's known why the ruling is illegal, and demand the 'justices' involved retire immediately, since they demonstrated their incompetence and bias.

  4. Totally agree with this post. A violent confrontation is inevitable; and almost nothing significant can be done until the bi-cephalic heads of the criminal regime is cut off.

    The MUD better not let the putrid TSJ get away with this latest, blatant Judicial Coup. It would set another precedent of weakness, lack of resolve. It would open the Chavistoide Pandora Box of filthy tricks even more.

    So the battle of powers in on, problem is the corrupt regime has a clear, heavy advantage: it's just the AN against 8 powers. Uno contra 7. Against the Executive; the Judicial; the Military; the Police/sebin/Guardia; against all the Drug Lords and their huge Narco_machine, against the sold-out Media; against 37 "ministerios" and 5 million Enchufados; Against the corrupt PDVSA, Corpoelec, Derwicks, Bolichicos: against BIG Money Interests, all Chavista thugs.

    Plus"el pueblo" is not really pro-MUD. Some of of the Chavistas voted against Maduro, but still love Chavez. So it's not like the MUD has full popular support, as many think. As the economy gets even worse, they start blaming Everything on the "sifrinos burguesitos derechistas que controlan el parlamento". That's how ignorant most of the "pueblo" truly is.

    So 1 against 8. Or so. No rules, no police, total impunity. And the Chavistas are fighting to avoid JAIL and losing their stolen millions, no less.

    Violence, chaos, total mayhem is inevitable. A highly explosive situation. If the military doesn't change sides (and they won't because they are complicit narco-criminals, Thieves risking jail too), and the "pueblo" doesn't unite against Chavismo even more, it's a bloody stale-mate. Nothing will get done, as Daniel says.

    In one way this is good, believe it or not. As Cleptozuela goes to hell even deeper, as the economy gets even worse, more Chavistas (millions still out there) will finally begin to comprehend the shit their in. They will have to blame Chavez, (which they still don't!). They might finally understand that Cuba is no paradise. They might finally comprehend that 17 years of Chavismo was a LIE, a bunch of Thieves getting rich with their "revolusion bolibanana" bullshit. Let them bathe in their own "socialista" populachero crap some more. Let'em enjoy the 'colas sabrosas' some more. See what they think by 2019. Hopefully, by then, the "wise" and "righteous" "pueblo" will have finally learned an indelible lesson.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      So much hatred, and I love it :D

    2. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Truth has been just written.

  5. What difference does it make if the AN makes laws? The regime has not followed any laws for years. What difference does it make if they rewrite the constitution? The regime has not followed it in years. What difference does the Supreme Court make? The regime is ultimately a dictatorship. The opposition needs to get use to this. The world knows this regardless what they put in the press. All that matters is the military supports the regime. The only change can come from the people revolting all out.

  6. It does not matter what laws the AN makes even if not sitting the 3 members. If the regime does not like theme they just say they are unconstitutional and turns them over to the court which is just the regime.

    Lamentablemente las bandas de secuestradores mintieron con decirme de que protegen a las razas humanas arias a morir porque por mis calumniadores mataron un genocidio de violadores sexuales a nivel mundial desde Agosto del 2,009 hasta la fecha actual año 2,016. Las bandas de secuestradores protegen a mis calumniadores aunque perdamos la paz del mundo por matarme a mí como encarnacion divina de los Dioses aborigenes del mundo y del cristianismo, que por tales encarnaciones divinas, soy el lider de mis clanes aborigenes del mundo y del cristianismo como tambien soy el promotor de la paz de la delincuencia y de los países bélicos de la tercera guerra mundial por tales encarnaciones divinas. Mis calumniadores me están difamando desde el año de 1,992 con la calumnia inicial de prevaricador quien decían es un payaso macabro que zarandeaba angustiosamente a la gente con la consecuencia actual de calumniarme de violador sexual por un linchamiento sexual frustrado popularmente por mis calumniadores. En pocas palabras, la calumina de prevaricador era mentira como tambien la calumnia de violador sexual por un linchamiento sexual frustrado en la calumnia de prevaricador donde mis calumniadores engañaron a Guatemala por 24 años de difamacion en mi contra donde los tales siguen engañando a más gente con el disimulo mordaz.

    Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
    Documento de identificacion personal:
    1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
    Cédula de Vecindad:
    ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
    Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.

    Lamentablemente las bandas de secuestradores mintieron con decirme de que protegen a las razas humanas arias a morir porque por mis calumniadores mataron un genocidio de violadores sexuales a nivel mundial desde Agosto del 2,009 hasta la fecha actual año 2,016. Las bandas de secuestradores protegen a mis calumniadores aunque perdamos la paz del mundo por matarme a mí como encarnacion divina de los Dioses aborigenes del mundo y del cristianismo, que por tales encarnaciones divinas, soy el lider de mis clanes aborigenes del mundo y del cristianismo como tambien soy el promotor de la paz de la delincuencia y de los países bélicos de la tercera guerra mundial por tales encarnaciones divinas. Mis calumniadores me están difamando desde el año de 1,992 con la calumnia inicial de prevaricador quien decían es un payaso macabro que zarandeaba angustiosamente a la gente con la consecuencia actual de calumniarme de violador sexual por un linchamiento sexual frustrado popularmente por mis calumniadores. En pocas palabras, la calumina de prevaricador era mentira como tambien la calumnia de violador sexual por un linchamiento sexual frustrado en la calumnia de prevaricador donde mis calumniadores engañaron a Guatemala por 24 años de difamacion en mi contra donde los tales siguen engañando a más gente con el disimulo mordaz.

    Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
    Documento de identificacion personal:
    1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
    Cédula de Vecindad:
    ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
    Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.


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