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Monday, August 15, 2016

Me and Hillary

Around US election time I allow myself a post where I express my opinion. I am of those who think that foreigners should have a say in the US election since we will all pay the consequences of that vote. But of course, there goes another utopia. Also, I get a lot of flack from such posts, mostly from right wingers that understand any critical view of Republican candidates as pure and simple communism making Chavez too good for me, and... (more follows from puffed red faces that I can easily imagine from the comments).

Not for me at this point in life to be deterred by such comments, the more so that blogging has become an occasional hobby for me. So there I go.

FIRST! Caveat! I was a Hillary fan in 2008 so do not expect me to have changed over these last 8 years. Search my blog or blog comments if you wish, it is all there, somewhere.

Yes, I know where Hillary does come from and I NEVER liked Bill. But she is not Bill and already in 2008 I thought she was one of the best prepared and more thoughtful candidate for the US presidency. Preparation matters unless you are like Reagan and are willing and able to surround yourself with people that know more than you do without taking umbrage.  Since politicians willing and able to run for the presidency are prime donne then I shall privilege preparation over character. They are all flawed anyway, and Reagans are rare, the US having had only two of those in the XX century. I suppose perhaps that coming from Venezuela the little pecadillos of Hillary do not mean much for me, or that my French half has learned long ago that dubious private life does not mean bad governance.

It may come as a surprise to you that at first I was looking with interest at Trump as a candidate. After all, he was a businessman, of dubious qualities perhaps but more businessman than any president in recent memory besides Bush senior. In a country with such a division or power and entrenched instituions Trump did not scare me. Then again, I was coming from the Venezuelan experience.

It was thus with a great surprise that I heard the vehement condemnation of my US friends who I visited days before the Iowa caucus. To the point that I did not even dare to express my surprise and preferred to remain silent, playing the ignorance card.  But they have been proven right and as far as I am concerned Trump would be an unmitigated disaster for the US presidency. People would miss Nixon and Carter after a Trump presidency.

I can say that because I have been following this primary cycle closer than the usual. Enough to be scared about what is going on in the US.

Bernie Sanders is a geriatric socialist that has appealed to a new me generation who think that everything is their due. Plus the assorted white guilty left of the Democratic Party. Fortunately the real left, the one that needs to mark time clocks at work and knows how hard things are did not follow Sanders and stayed with Clinton. Yes, Latinos and African American are the real social left in the US, not the Joe Kennedy type that happily deals with Venezuela or the intellectual fraud like Sanders who refuses to condemn the Cuban regime.

And then there is Trump.

I do not want to take the easy way and put Trump in the same bag as Chavez. Trump is more dangerous than Chavez but he would be less detrimental to the US than what Chavez was. What Trump and Chavez have in common is a deep narcissistic disorder. But each one is affected by it in a different manner.  Trump just wants to be president and have is face and hair carved into some mountain. Chavez wanted to change the world for his glory. I have no doubt that if by mistake Trump were to be elected, within 6 months enough in the GOP would unite with the Democrats to impeach him. Yes, I trust that much American Institutions.

The danger in Trump lies elsewhere, and I am not even thinking about the nuclear red button.  Trump is a demagogue who gets power form dividing society. He preys on the insecurity of people and he is dangerously gathering around him all the social resentment that exists in the US. If he were less tone deaf about latinos and blacks he would be already unstoppable the way Chavez was.  That is what they truly have in common, the capacity to unify behind their banner all the alienated sectors of society, all of those who want revenge rather than reform. Once this is achieved the damage is done, the society is fractured and healing takes decades. I know what I am talking about, I am living the consequences of it in Venezuela where the embers of chavismo are everyday more outspoken about the need to silence people like me.

What Trump is doing is try to unite behind himself the red necks, white trash, bible thumpers, creationists, chronic jobless, the envious and the frustrated, those that cannot associate their failure with their very own character flaws. For this last group Trump is particularly effective because he forgives their sins since all their troubles come from Muslims, Latinos, immigrants, etc, but never for their own errors. True, some of their problems are chronic to the US society, but not all. We need to be thankful that the US is a multiracial society and that no politician can truly unite behind himself all these groups of deep social resentment. Chavez was able to do it because Venezuela was a deeply mixed country that Chavez tried to turn into one of whites versus non white. He succeeded, until hunger came.

The Republican party had it coming. This is not anymore the party of Lincoln. Not remotely. The Jesse Helms and Southern Republicans have preached the me or you gospel and now the chicken Trump has come home to roost.  We are seeing under our own eyes how the Republican party is unraveling, how ethics are trampled everyday for the sake of expediency and a tidbit of supposed power. How easy it is to speak Benghazi instead of Wall Building!

But this post is long enough already. My only sorrow is that the US of A has been able to produce such a mediocre crop of presidential candidates. And do not let me start on people that I consider worse than Trump, like Cruz. I do like Clinton but this time I would vote for her because there is no other option. She is not free to set an agenda like she was in 2008: now she has to secure Obama inheritance whether she likes it being irrelevant. And Trump and Sanders certainly have saddled her with chains that will be heavy on her administration. At least I am certain that she is is going to be better for Venezuela and Latin America than Trump. By far since Trump at best only knows where the Miss comes from.

I did hear the Libertarian ticket formed by two ex republican governors, which indicates to me that Libertarians are trying to go mainstream now. Whatever. I liked them enough if truth be told. If I were voting I would vote for them once I am sure that Trump will not be elected. But as long as there is a chance for Trump to make it, I will be rooting for Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile I do hope that there are enough Republicans that will do the decent thing and at least cross their straight down ballots with Hillary or the Libertarians. Guys, you screwed up with your hysterical opposition to Obama, You even helped into creating a situation where Hillary had to go more to the left than what she would naturally be. Now it is time to pay the Piper and save what can be saved of your party, enduring for penance at least 4 more years of Obama and a Supreme Court locked in Liberal mode for at least a decade and a half. But heck guys, you have only yourself to blame for that. Try at least to retain the House and then learn to negotiate for everybody's sake. You can negotiate with Hillary more than you could ever negotiate with Trump, trust me on that one. I am coming out of 17 years of Chavez, I know a Chavez when I see one, even with a red wig. Narcissistic personalities never negotiate, they just gain time so they can screw you later, and better.


  1. What Trump and Chavez have in common is a deep narcissistic disorder.

    agree 100%

  2. First time here. No news from Venezuela.

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Well, maybe you should read this:

      And guess what? You can look at the blog archive too!


    2. Thanks Anon242!

  3. Superb sinopsis of the US presidential race. Sometimes an outsider has a better read of the situation than those in the fray. Daniel; well done.

  4. Dear Daniel,

    I agree 100% Trump needs to be stopped! But the reason he needs to be stopped is the "death of the US middle class" is real. Here is a graph that will cause an impact on you, since you are a scientist:

    also discussed here in a very illuminating way:

    You write millions of Americans supporting Trump are "the red necks, white trash, bible thumpers, creationists, chronic jobless, the envious and the frustrated, those that cannot associate their failure with their very own character flaws" I know for sure you are not a racist, much less an anti-white racist, but you fell in to the trap that makes it socially acceptable to mock the poor whites (which I at times have done):

    I guess what I am saying is that mocking poor whites today is not just mocking a few southeners that speak funny. Poor whites encompass a much larger and geographically distributed group.

    1. LT

      I think that my post makes it obvious that there is a problem in the US.

      I am writing about a class of disenfranchised people that unfortunately are described by the terms I have used. Red neck if they are in the South, White Trash if they are on the Eastern sea board or Bible thumpers in the Mid West.

      I also thought that my post would make it obvious that I am writing about people whose education level affect their prospects.

      This said I want to bring your attention to a key sentence in my post: "all of those who want revenge rather than reform" and unfortunately those are to be found in disproportionate amounts in the non PC epithets I used that you complain about.

      I am writing from the Venezuelan experience where Chavez was able to establish a coalition of all the "resentidos sociales" that used to be spread among different political parties and then went ALL Chavez to this day. When these angry groups reach power through the hand of a demagogue they do not care about the damage he does as long as they perceive revenge.

    2. One small correction here. Indeed Chavez was able to establish a coalition of all the "resentidos sociales" and won big several times in a row with these people. That reflect poorly on the social composition of Venezuela. My apologies to the hard working honest minority. I doubt Trump could establish such a coalition. For example, he could never attract "Black Lives Matter", another trashy lot.

    3. Good insight, Daniel. Also, many Republicans, who hate Obama because he's black, are pissed off because the Republican Patry never fully endorses their beliefs. Trump does.

  5. Revenge is blind. That is why it is incumbent upon the elite in both parties not to ignore and pour contempt on such a large and increasing swath of the US population. It would be better for them to get rid of the virtue signalling hypocritical PC language and treat all disadvantaged groups with equal contempt.

  6. Although Canadian I am a republican supporter by policy but have found the party to have been taken over by wackos. I do not believe Trump is who he is pretending to be. I believe him to be a close friend of the Clintons and is a democrate. He simply entered the republican race to make a mockery of it such that Hilary could win. The wackos dominating the primaries took over and his idiocy won. Now he will work harder to ensure Hilary wins. For anyone on the fence this link on Trump is all they need to know.

    1. Ash, interesting your take about Trump, a couple of weeks ago I met serious people in in a major US university that claim Trump is doing it just for fun and if he wins, will just walk away, such is the size of his ego.

    2. Charly, I keep waiting for Trump to come out and say WTF people I entered this to make a mockery of politics. Said all the stupid stuff I could to make a mockery of it and you stupid people supported me, whats the matter with you???

  7. Well I liked Bill Clinton, and can't stand Hilary. She's as fake as they come. I just hate her guts, and can't handle 5 minutes of her on TV. Heck, I even liked Obama, as a speaker, despite his failed policies.

    Trump attracted a following not just because he appeals to 'disenfranchised' people or red-necks.. It's mainly because we are sick&tired of politics as usual, politicians that lie, as Hilary does (there's a clear record about her lies). We're also tired of the Bushes, and such, we would like to see a rogue, new type of President that speaks and acts honestly and from the heart. Politics as usual, no thanks. You should see a US Congress meeting on TV,, can't stand 5 minutes.

    So to be honest, I don't know what's the worst evil, Hilary or Trump. They're both unpalatable, hideous, lamentable - as we say in French. That's why I have ESPN and HBO, to switch channels and avoid those clowns.

    Trump? I'm not scared of the narcissistic dumbo either. You see, this is the USA. Congress rules. People rule. If a president gets out of hand, he's gone. It's not like Trump want to invade Iran or Cuba, and Congress would allow him. Plus his approach regarding foreign trade is not completely crazy. China is indeed unfair, playing with their currency, and Mexico, Latin America are sometimes a nuisance: they do they ugly jobs, but they also bring 15 kids per family and put them all on food stamps, medicare, welfare, and other costly programs that WE, the tax payers pay for.

    That said, I dislike both candidates. And as an American Citizen, I will not vote this time. My no-vote will mean just that: I don't like either candidates. Heck, Ted Cruz was even worse!! What a fake politician, much like Hilary. I would have voted for Rubio.

    1. watch this video, no one lies more then Trump

  8. Regarding the comparison between Chavez and Trump, it's just wrong. You're comparing a vicious piranha with a business barracuda. And in very different waters:

    Yes, they both are/were megalomaniacs, narcissistic, but most political leaders have a lot of that. To aspire for a country's presidency, when you are already rich, what they are looking for is power and glory.

    Among the numerous differences between Chavez and Trump, the main one is that trump would be no dictator, and he's certainly pro-business, pro-democracy, pro-capitalism. Chavez was just a liar, and a thief. He first proclaimed to be a democrat, and then started bribing everyone, and became a dictator. Trump is not that. He's quite transparent. 2/ In the USA Chavez or Maduro wouldn't last a week.We don't put up with that crap. There are Laws here, a real Congress, so Trump or Chavez would have to behave. But again, the comparison is mistaken. These are 2 very different animals.

  9. And Chavez claimed to be a "socialist" a "communist" best buddy of Castro, then proceeded to pilferage and steal and destroy the country, his daughters are worth over 4 Billion $. And the disaster continues now.

    In contrast, Trump would not be interested in any of that. He's already filthy rich, as all his family is, he's against "communism" or 'socialism", totally pro-Capitalism. So the differences are significant.

    1. Although Trump is filthy rich he is pure self serving. No question he would not be a Chavez but he would only look to reap reward. Just look at the many sister companies he lease his Trump name to in order to build and presell condo units then bankrupts and buys with another Trump company for 10 cents on the dollar, essentially legally stealing the peoples 50% down and builds and resells. He doesn't care anything for these people just his easy money. When asked about it his answer was simply he is just maximizing his income within the law. Why would he do anything less as president then maximize his income within the law.

  10. Daniel, most Trump supporters are firmly in the middle-class and are voting because of the loss of their heterosexual, white privilege. Among them are some "red necks, white trash, bible thumpers, creationists, chronic jobless" but to think of those pejoratively-described demographics as being the majority of his support is probably a subconscious way to comfort yourself, believing them to be "the other." The true horror is that it's not just a stereotypical bunch of ignorant people that support Trump. I know, because I'm surrounded by Trump supporters.

    1. Maybe I should nuance it a little bit more.

      The groups that I refer to in such an un-PC way are more numerous than expected but not enough to carry Trump. This is the US, not Venezuela which had been in crisis for ten years before Chavez was elected.

      There is indeed a middle class section that does support Trump out of fear more than out of revenge, though that plays a larger role than one would expect since as you point out, they never digested the idea of a Black man sleeping in Lincoln's bed.

      What is interesting here is that a large chunk of that middle class you refer to are evangelicals and they have had a hard time to join the Trump band wagon, if at all for many. I guess many will in the end go Libertarian or abstain.

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      I agree with jsb. I see Trump supporters a lot, and many are as WASP as they come. Folks that are educated, in middle to high income levels etc.

      No doubt a lot of the "redneckos" are with Trump too.

      I am undecided yet between Hillary and Gary Johnson (Libertarian), and must admit I'll hold my nose if I do vote for her.

      Or maybe I'll vote Johnson just for the hell of it.

      I mean, 3 drops in a bucket, F*** it.

      If the Libertarians do win, they certainly stand a chance of absorbing quite a few Republicans and giving Democrats a more palatable opponent to deal with post Nov.

      Now that would certainly make things interesting!


  11. I focus in usa foreign policy. In that área, Hillary is really bad.

    1. Because we all know that Trump will be fantastic in foreign policy..........{sigh}

    2. Hilary is the best ever at foreign policy according to Trump:

  12. I do not disagree that the choices are poor. The question is which one is worse. As a Venezuelan I can not imagine tossing aside rule of law. Clintons are corrupt in the Venezuelan stile of corruption and listen to congressman Hurd from Texas question Comey. I complete disregard for commonsense and her record as Secretary of state disqualify her. I want the USA to be successful she did not help.

    1. You mean in the Venezuela OLD STYLE of corruption I hope. Because no one outside Venezuela could get anywhere close to the corruption we live these days.

    2. Samer although she is not good and Clintons as most rich families in USA are corrupt how does her record disqualify her? If it did she would not be allowed to run. Or did some republican/supporter tell you that????

  13. Pi3141612:47 PM

    Trump is to American politics what Coluche was to French politics. And I'm being serious.

    1. I beg to disagree, Coluche at least got us a few laughs. Unless of course people find amusing stuff like Little Marco, or crooked Hillary. Coluche knew how to insult softly without letting people feel bad about it.

  14. I reiterate the following: The USA is much different from Venezuela. Congress rules here. When Bush decided to invade Iraq, erroneously, it was with Congress approval. If the Donald was president, he would be controlled by the US Congress, and public opinion. This is not Barquisimeto or Barlovento.

    If the Donald wants to tax Chinese products, and control the US-Mexican border, and Muslims immigrants, well that's also up to Congress and the people. And after numerous meetings with numerous professional advisers and experts in the specific issue. Trump is dumb, but knows how to surround himself with much smarter people than he is. He knows how to delegate, and seek advice.

    Clinton? Same as Obama, or worse. More of the same crap. Or worse. Plus she's insufferable to watch. The USA is basically controlled by Corporations, special interests, billionaires, lobbyists for those corporations and billionaires. And Congress. Regardless of the President. Remember how many times Obama cried that "they wouldn't let him govern"?

    Between Hilary and Trump, a no-vote is my choice. Can't stand Hilary, and Trump is a narcissistic clown. I couldn't live with myself voting for either one, and having to deal with either one in office for years. I'd have to throw the TV out the window.

    1. Yes Sledge what they should do is put none of the above as an option on a ballot and if it wins the candidates on the ballot should be banded for 10 years. This year none of the above would win easily.

  15. Trump is better handling the islamic extremism issue imho. That's why I'm voting for him.

    1. On what grounds?
      Please, enlighten us because as far as I know his only policy is banning the entry of Muslims, as if this would protect US citizens travelling overseas.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM


      Customs procedure under Trump.

      Customs Officer: Welcome to the United States. Can you answer a question?

      Terrorist: Sure

      Customs: Are you Muslim?

      Terr: No

      Customs: OK. Next!

    3. Trumps handling of ISIS would be like having a hornets next in a room and him throwing stones at it. Only thing his policies would do is make the issue much worse for the USA.

    4. Not that Trump is totally right, but he does have some points about immigration:

      It so happens that all these "suicide bombers" are Islamic Religious Fanatics. And they usually come from the same countries. I am all for "profiling". If you want to protect your family.

      Mexicans do not blow themselves up to get 72 Virgins in heaven. No one but Islamic Maniacs do. And we know where they come from. Did we already forget 9/11, 3000 people killed, and every attack, every month, everywhere. Usually, what is the common denominator? Islamic Maniacs. Not Jews, or Atheists, or Christians, or Hindus, or Buddhists, no. Islam. If you read their vicious little Koran book, it literally reads "kill the infidels".

      So if Trump says, hey, let us check them out before they are admitted, you bet! Sorry, but they must be Profiled. Heck, would you sit next to a weird Muslim Arab on an airplane and feel safe?

      These religious freaks need to be checked out, and refused if doubtful. The Chinese, the Russians, the Africans, the Latinos, the Hindus, do they ever blow themselves up in public or kill dozens of innocent people? Nope. It's some radical Muslims, exclusively. Mohameds. So profile them, and stay safe.

    5. Anonymous6:37 PM

      You said the key word, FANATICS. Just as there are FANATICS about many things that express themselves by violence.

      It doesn't have to do with Islam so much as how certain Imams use the religion to further their violent aims. Should we judge the Catholic church as inspired by violence because it glorifies the slaying of those people "not of the twelve tribes of Israel"?

      Christians used religion to launch numerous crusades that resulted in major violence against the peoples of the Holy Land, Muslim and Christian alike.

      Look at how many NON Muslims have been caught trying to join ISIS, quite a few born in the US.

      It's pretty obvious, Sledge, that you have not read the Koran. Just as in the Christian bible, there are exhortations to defend the religion, some of those violent indeed.

      But the overall drift of both the christian bible and the koran is not violence.


  16. Hillary is like Chavez a leftist. She would have the opportunity to pack the supreme court with leftists who would essentially move the country from where the rule of law prevails to where whatever leftists think the constitution should be (even in contradiction of what is clearly written in the Constitution).

    Hillary is a narcissist. Trump is also. But Trump is pushing mainly conservative ideas and wants to REDUCE the size of government and overall government power. Hillary wants to dramatically INCREASE government power. Neither Hillary or Trump bear much resemblance to Hugo Chavez. However, Hillary would prepare the way if a Hugo Chavez were to be elected by packing the supreme court and increasing the size of government. Trump would leave the US with a smaller government and a conservative supreme court and a less dependent economy. Hillary would create more "chavista type" voters by increasing the number of people dependent on government which is a type of growing underclass. Trump would reduce the number of "chavista type" voters by reducing the number of people in the underclass.

    Overall, Hillary is much more dangerous to future liberty in the US than Trump.

    1. Now, we all take a big breath and relax. Repeat. Repeat again.

      Now you can start comparing things that can actually be compared.

  17. Although Canadian I am a republican supporter by policy but have found the party to have been taken over by wackos. I do not believe Trump is who he is pretending to be. I believe him to be a close friend of the Clintons and is a democrate. He simply entered the republican race to make a mockery of it such that Hilary could win. The wackos dominating the primaries took over and his idiocy won. Now he will work harder to ensure Hilary wins. For anyone on the fence this link on Trump is all they need to know.tshirthell,Redbubble coupon code,spreadshirt review,threadless uk,Teepublic,Teefury review,80stees

    1. Oh goodie! A new take on the Mandchurian candidate!

  18. The point that everyone is missing is, Hillary is a lawyer/politician, and speaks like one. She, like Bill back in the old days, realizes that what she says will be analyzed very carefully. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", may or may not be interpreted legally not to include blow jobs. Her words are critiqued so thoroughly that it is impossible for her speak without criticism.

    Trump, on the other hand, is a celebrity/showman who has such an ego that he says whatever he is thinking at the moment. Then later, he either denies or tries to change the meaning of what he said. He does this so much that the reporters cannot even keep up with the lies, mistakes, and recants he makes and only cover a small portion. He is the epitome of the salesman who will say anything to make the sale, no matter how absurd.

    I choose Hillary because:

    *She truly wants the job, he is just bolstering his ego
    *She had the support of 90% of the Democrats in Washington to Bernie's 5%
    *She has the support of half of the Republicans in Washington to Trump's 10%
    *Her husband would have been the first president to reduce the National Debt since 1957(if Bush hadn't immediately changed the budget)
    *She is actually more middle of the road than she appeared to be to beat the zealot socialist minority in the primary(Bernie Bros), e.g. she represents more of us on both sides, he represents the "haters"
    *She knows that the President cannot just babble like an a-hole to the world
    *By breaking the glass ceiling, next time there will be more than 2 women out of 23 candidates(how many excellent women senators, governors, representatives, and CEO's do we not even consider)
    *whether you like her agenda or not, she has spelled out more detail of her plans by far than any other candidate, he will get the "best" people and have the "best" plan, it will be "HUGE" and make us tired of winning

  19. Trump had a recent speech in Youngstown OH explaining his strategies against islamic extremism but before I was thinking in terms of not accepting as many refugees from the Middle East (as the democrats want)which have caused so much trouble in Europe. Now with the speech in Youngstown I have even more reason to vote for Trump.

  20. How ANYONE can vote for Killary is beyond my comprehension. You choose to ignore the Foundation for one, calling it cherry picking. Seriously? I wouldnt work for her or anyone who supports her, i couldnt trust you as my Employer. Trump is worse for different reason. Im not voting, am 67 and i now realize the parties are the same, all run by the NWO which both Candidates are as well. Connect the dots. So as the little girl in the lunch line says, you get what you get and dont throw a fit. I am for one thing which will never be done, BUILD THE WALL AND SEND EVERYONE HOME.

    1. Dear Tess

      It is called democracy.

      Deal with it.

  21. Just because WHO America votes for affects YOU, You are not American and therefore WE don't want your voice or input, whether it effects you or not!

    Just to illustrate my point, you write, "Trump is more dangerous than Chavez".

    With stupid commentary like that, from an outsider no less, is all the more stupid.
    Since it would make no difference (your opinion) anyhow, better you bury your head in the sand as far as Americans are concerned - for you'll accomplish more!

    1. You are definitely in the vanguard for tolerance, reunion, shared information, etc... A model if any!

    2. Milonga1:55 AM

      "Narcissistic personalities never negotiate, they just gain time so they can screw you later, and better". Couldn´t agree with you more. Go Hillary!

  22. Anonymous6:17 PM

    With all due respect, this is why I really would not want Venezuelans or South Americans in general, who are citizens of the US, to vote in the US elections. For some strange reason, Venezuelans flee the mess that their own political and social views created and come here wanting more of the same.
    Heck, I am glad I did not vote when I just arrived here because I was just as stupid as most Venezuelans.
    In Venezuela we elected people who paved the way for criminals and thugs to take over and we paid the price for it, and will be paying for it for a long long time. That's who Obama and Hillary are, gateways to a dim future.
    We did not vote for good, able candidates just because they were called names in the media. We voted for those who the media said were cool and would give us free stuff. The US is at the brink of the sliding slope where Venezuela was back in the 80s (barring obvious differences between the two countries). Few in Venezuela wanted to believe that this would happen, but it did, and so it will happen here in the US as we continue our march to the precipice lead by the current generation of democrats.


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