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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Prendre les gens pour des cons

The title is a French expressions that loosely mean "thinking that I/they am/are idiots" but way stronger.  Sorry, but tonight I cannot find the English words to qualify the campaigns of Maduro and Falcon, both campaigns abusing of the misery of the people and thinking that we shall not notice.  In all truth, I suppose, neither one is managing to rouse passions, so they need to resort to outright distribution of whatever is at hand so at least some people will attend their rallies. Two tweets from today.

First Maduro having his henchmen throwing food at people.

And then the Falcon campaign, poorer by far but surprisingly (?) better funded than expected.  He had his own henchmen throwing banknotes at people like confetti. In truth the banknotes thrown are not worth much more than confetti, each one worth, say, 1/6.000 of a fully fledged good greenback.  Yes, that is right, the 100 banknote is forth less than 1/60th of a penny.  No wonder people gathered them but there was less enthusiasm than for the food air throwing of food.  What we are seeing flying are at best 100-200 hundred dollars.

Both only bring in me utter contempt for them, both chavista thinking so lowly of their followers. Juts herded cattle for them, just good enough to play the pantomime of an election. Well, one is an ex-chavista but the brain damage was done in him.

What shall I do next Sunday to keep busy?  Huuummm......


  1. Tom in Oklahoma2:08 AM

    Daniel your analogy of a herd of cattle is sad but accurate. What I do not understand is the lack of outrage among the population. The anger that I do hear is that "Maduro must go". "Maduro is the problem". I don't hear hear anyone saying socialism is the problem. I think if Maduro were forced out today by outside force then the country would elect someone that they view as a true chavista not a madurista. With this mindset so prevelant among the citizenry I just don't hold out much hope for the country regaining it's former status. There should be outrage, there should be rioting in the streets. The people should make themselves ungovernable, but no, they are acting like a herd of cattle as you said. It's hard for outsiders to care more than the citizens do.

  2. There is a story/joke I heard as a child in Cuba about a man's interview for a job in the railroad company. As a test of his knowledge he is asked what he would do to prevent an impending head-on collision between two trains. Every logical step he describes, such as switching tracks, applying breaks, etc... is rendered useless due to mechanical failure. Finally, in his frustration, the man tells his interviewer, that the only option left is to call Maria. When the interviewer inquires: "who is this Maria?" and "how this could possibly help the impending situation?", the man replies: "Maria is my cousin and I would simply call her to come and witness the biggest train wreck she has ever seen". When I read about the tragedy in Venezuela, I think it's time to call Maria. What more will you have to endure?


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