Blog Sections

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I have convinced Alex Beech to come out of her semi retirement from blogging to give me a hand. There will be much blogging to do for the next few weeks and I can use all the help I can get. I have always found Alex's texts powerful and very well written. It will be a honor for me to post for a few weeks whatever she can mange to write, and it will be great for all of us to have well written texts in this page for a change.

This need to blog more often, with shorter texts, has also made me make that change where now some longer posts will have only their first paragraph shown. This will help keep track of new posts, and also track of comments as they appear.

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1) Comments are moderated after the sixth day of publication. It may take up to a day or two for your note to appear then.

2) Your post will appear if you follow the basic polite rules of discourse. I will be ruthless in erasing, as well as those who replied to any off rule comment.