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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Caracas stadium poll

Well, last night Rosales decided to go to the ball park. And he got a rousing welcome, a whole stadium chanting "A-tre-vete".

Video here, but the one from RCTV is much better, more impressive. Hope youtube carries it soon.

Now, ball games, in particular on a week day, are more the reserve for the opposition. However the enthusiasm shown is not something seen that often even at chavista well staged shows these days. And of course, who remembers last time Chavez dared to go to a public ball game? Imagine the pain for him as Chavez was a wanna-be major league player.... There is in fact a malicious rumor that chavismo has been buying all the seats for the all stars game of the Venezuelan league so as to fill up the stadium with red shirts.

UPDATE: a better video! The RCTV video is on YouTube.

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