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Friday, November 03, 2006

Ramirez and PDVSA coercion: bloggers versus AP

To add insult to injury this morning I read the Associated Press report written by a certain Elizabeth Nuñez. That report has been published in many paper and at random I selected the example from the News and Observer of Raleigh, a local paper that depends almost exclusively from such reports for their international pages.

The report of Ms. Nuñez is not only bland but it leaves one with the distinct impression that she got out of her way to minimize an event that she had no choice but to report. When you examine what she wrote she ONLY writes on the two most innocuous aspects of the Ramirez: that the revolution and PDVSA are red and that PDVSA workers should be Bolivarian. She left out the vulgarity of Ramirez and much worse, the threat of physical violence that the minister used. How can a serious journalist NOT REPORT on a minister of a government in a function who calls for violence against his co-citizens? On the other hand she had no qualms reporting on an ad hoc support rally of a about a hundred people claiming that no one was forcing them to rally and support Ramirez.

The ethics of the AP have long been questioned and we see them again at work with Ms. Nuñez. Fortunately there are bloggers that report on the entirety, translating even the vulgarity if necessary.

PS1: there is another one for Ms. Nuñez to report, the words of the Vice President this morning when he came to the bat to defend the indefensible, saying that the “cards are on the table now” and that “we are going to see who is a democrat and who is not”. In other words, the vice president has accused the opposition of Venezuela of not being a democrat because it exposed the fascistic action of one of Chavez minister. We are eagerly waiting for your spin, Ms. Nuñez. By the way, you may want to apply for a job as election observer next December: the CNE and chavismo love journalists like you.

PS2: The International Herald Tribune did focus on perhaps the most important aspect of the Ramirez obscenity for the world at large: the admission of Venezuelan intervention in Bolivia. Even that Ms. Nuñez failed to see. Amazing!

PS3: Ever vigilant readers (SV) made the connection with the Elizbeth Nuñez who reported that the Caracas Avalancha had about 10 000 assitence. That is it Lizzy! Your cover is blown!!! Time to pack and go somewhere else.

Bloggers and their readers have exposed again shitty journalism!!!!

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