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Monday, August 23, 2010

Is Chavez going to censor the WSJ and the NYT over Venezuela's crime?

Chavismo might have been able to silence temporarily Tal Cual and El Nacional on Venezuelan crime but oversea the famous El Nacional picture has revealed quite a naked emperor.

Maria Anastasia O'Grady focus on the crime wave on an electoral point of view, reminding the world that electing a responsible government that will actually rule for the better of ALL in the country is a tough task, though the latest crime wave might help along in wakign up people.

If the WSJ is more of an OpEd piece, Simon Romero comes up at the New York Times with a complete and detailed article that includes a great video, the cover front of El Nacional, a reference to artist Onechot being threatened and the latest.  He delves in detail on what is common knowledge among the informed people in Venezuela: that are our crime rte is now worse than anyone else, including Iraq, by far.  he also delves on who is the most affected by that crime wave, by far: the poorer classes, the ones that supposedly chavismo was going to favor. We have to admire the work of Romero, writing one of the most demolishing article on chavismo ever written, just by narrating recent facts.  Impressive!

So, what's next Hugo?  Are you going to have the front page of the New York Times today censored?

UPDATE: the New York Times piece is already translated in Spanish in part at Tal Cual !  Goes to tell you.


  1. It's all lies perpetrated by the right-wing fascist media. The Empire supports this hateful propaganda campaign against me because they are planning an invasion to over-throw me.


  2. I think this guy Romero took too long to understand.I suspect people like that of wanting to win popularity contests.

    " has been unable to close the dangerous gap between rich and poor and make the country’s streets safer. "

    If even a small portion of poor people are able to go without robbing and murdering we have to find other reasons for crime than lack of equal salaries because the truth is that many poor people are not criminals.

    I think we are seeing a very different type of violence.I think we are seeing the violence that comes with drug use and drug sales.I think we are also seeing the violence that comes with the emergence of worse and worse value systems among the poor, the middle class and the rich.In Caracas we have always had the problem that the material world was overvalued.What kind of car do you have? What brand shoes?How thin are you? How good looking? Who are your contacts? etc etc.ALL SURFACE VALUES.We have to go far beyond the surface and value life for the sake of its spirit.If we don't value the spirit more than we do, then people are reduced to pieces of meat.

    This problem is made worse by Chavez giving people the " right " to steal, and instilling in people an all consuming hatred for those who have, especially those of foreign extraction and white skin: those who are not Criollo.

    Perfect excuse for Chavez to call in repressive Cuban style tactics, isn't it ?.. because at this point even I would prefer Cuba.

  3. firepigette: as a USA ex-pat who has lived here in VE for the entire Chavez-era, you've hit the nail on the head! Excellent comment.

  4. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Venezuela is rapidly sinking (has sunk?) into the violent gang and drug related crime situation that Colombia has spent two or three decades to escape....El Pueblo has just not figured out that the next Papi will not provide the instant solution from the empty cookie jar.
    History anyone?

  5. I wanted to comment on the NYT, but alas, comments are closed.

    I wanted to add that, the article is actually too soft. It misses a key ingredient to the increased violence that every venezuelan knows all too well.

    The incendiary verb of the president.

    What are we to expect when he openly says that it's OK to "take back" from the rich? And does it himself -via expropiations- any time he pleases? Violently if needed.

    This is no accident or oversight. Anyone who opposes the regime must be in terror: they're automatically labelled rich, olygarch, in other words, a target.

    So there is a political agenda behind this - of course not the one Bernardo Alvarez wants the world to believe.

    The sad part is that this reality is so detached from rationality that only venezuelans can undestand it. International observers can't really visualize this.

  6. Luis,

    "International observers can't really visualize this."

    Right on. Perceptions are so vulnerable.We could possibly observe correctly but we often don't open our minds to other realities enough.It takes more open mindedness and honest research than what most journalists are willing or ABLE to give to it.

    We usually only see and comprehend what is in our narrow circle of the accustomed.Anything out of the ordinary will be understood in ordinary ways and will be neatly tucked into the usual categories, or else designated as irrational and therefore not worthy of our concern.

    When things go out of sight range(like unusual ideas,or off the charts behavior etc) , we just keeping seeing what we think we are going to see, not what is real and actual.

  7. 1979 Boat People6:43 PM


    International observers can't really visualize this.

    This may not be correct for all international observers.

    Whoever lived/have lived under communist regimes CAN FEEL/UNDERSTAND what Venezuelans (except Chavista of course) are going thru under Thugo Chavez regime. Myself is example. That is why i support the OPPO and people like Daniel who care very much about FREEDOM for ALL Venezulans + others around the World.

  8. Milonga7:17 PM

    Have you read the answer of the Venezuelan Embassy to Romero's article? Can't make any comments 'cause I choked.

  9. milonga

    fret not. it is an idiotic reply that says "yes, but now, in a few days we solved the issue in caracas." just as the spoiled brat that never cleans up his room but will tell you: " but i took the trash out yesterday".

    this is the level of ambassador that we have. then again, what else could the guy say anyway.....

  10. 1979 Boat People & firepigette, you're both correct. I should not have generalized.

    To an extent, I'm an international observer now, as I left Venezuela five years ago. I don't presume to really understand what's going on right now. There's been a great deal of healing for my family since we left.

    Yet, I find myself struggling when I try to explain these things to people who have lived all their lives in a developed country. I can see they don't get it.

    Then again, I don't think I would have "gotten" it if, before Chavez, somebody would have told me what was going to happpen.

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Dan,I read this article but don't if it true that chavez got cancer can you find out

  12. Anonymous

    I do not follow these things usually, and besides I think that Chaevz mental problem is a much worse diseases than any cancer he might have and which he would be using to gain support.

    In other words I cannot either confirm or deny it, nor will I search on that. I want Chavez to be in good health so we will be able to put him in jail someday. Anything else is an escape for his crimes.


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