Sunday, October 24, 2004

Eva Golinger in Aporrea

This blog prides itself to let its readers find the pro Chavez information in its very own home page. While of course no pro-Chavez site refers to anything from the opposition. But that should not be a surprise.

In this perspective I am linking what I just found in Aporrea, the (in)famous chavista portal. Thus people can find in Spanish what I referred to last night. Golinger's presentation on VTV must have pleased the powers that be since already her interview is posted in Aporrea (1). Though not with the preeminence that she might have hoped, the Columbus statue incident still holding half of the home page...

I should at least, in the helpful spirit that characterizes this blogger, point that some of the stuff she writes about is already public knowledge in Venezuela. Of course, she might not have had time to read books such as the one from Armando Duran, "Venezuela en llamas" or "El acertijo de abril" by two really impartial journalists from who we could all learn something, besides objectivity. I suggest that she takes time from her busy schedule in Caracas to shop for some books, if they are not too tainted for her high standards.


(1) curiously this article is signed by Eva herself though it is obviously a summary of her TV show.

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