Saturday, January 29, 2005

Fox News Features Chavez's 'Greeting' To Condi Rice (Update)

I hear that someone at Fox got hold of some of this information that's been on the blogs, here, here, here, here, and here, and in a half hour will discuss it on a show called The Grapevine, with Brian Wilson substituting for Brit Hume. One just wonders what this will be like - as far as I know it will be on in about 15 minutes, 830 pm Pacific time and 1130 pm Eastern time in the states. Tune in if you can and if not, we'll try to fill you in. I am hearing this thirdhand and I don't watch television normally so I don't know precisely how correct this info is. Let's see....

UPDATE: Alek Boyd has gotten hold of the Fox News film clip. Go see it here.

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