Thursday, February 10, 2005

Still raining...

And it is a problem even if the rains are heavy. Now the danger of epidemics and mud slides due to rain over soggy earth are more present.

Newspapers are starting to show picture galleries. El Universal has two up: one from Caracas and one from Vargas state. Plus one from El Güaire river that crosses Caracas.

El Nacional also has one but there is a bug and it is not opening. I suppose they will fix up later and you can try at the lower right section of their opening page.

The rain numbers are impressive for Caracas: Tuesday will be the new all time high for Caracas, the total for Monday and Tuesday rather impressive. These two days saw 132 mm of rain (about 5 inches). The historical high was in 1951, with 72.9 mm in 24 hours (about 2.8 inches). Tuesday with more than 3 inches itself (normal for February is less than half an inch!).

And to keep some perspective: the death toll of traffic accidents for the Carnaval week end is 39, whereas so far the national disaster has left 12 victims or missing. Though of course the material damage is huge. Meanwhile evacuation still keeps going on on the Vargas shore, even during the night as the governor says that the road will reopen today. I hope that my realtives trapped in the Naigüata area stay put as long as they have food and shelter, probably safer than brave the sea at night.

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