Saturday, December 03, 2005

For your waiting pleasure, a Christmas Carol

I am writing a long post to put all together the events of the recent days. While I write it as fast as I can to put it up by 9 PM, I hope, I thought that I could post this very nice contribution from long time reader AIO which appeared in the comment section a few hours ago. I think it is not to be missed. Enjoy! It is in the Xmas spirit!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

We three pawns of the One True Power
Come to make the elections more sour
Control the CNE
so this can be
Chavismo’s finest hour.

Elections stolen, bought and paid
Of fair voting we are afraid
Robolucion, not a solution
By this Venezuela betrayed!

Born a peasant on Barinas’s plain,
Now we seek to crown him again,
King for ever,
ceasing never
over us all to reign. Chorus

Obsequiousness to offer have I:
obedience to a Deity nigh;
prayer and praising,
gladly raising,
worship him, Man Most High. Chorus

Deals are reached in the back room
To see democracy reach its doom
sorrowing, sighing,
bleeding, dying,
sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Chorus

Glorious now our coming prize,
For we’re loyal if not wise;
Souls and votes
Exchanged for banknotes
There’s so much that money buys. Chorus

(Tune of "We Three Kings")

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