the man wants a gasoduct all the way to Patagonia
the man finances a bridge in Uruguay
the man helps the poor in the United States
the man builds housing in Jamaica
the man saves the Spanish shipping industry
the man buys bad Argentinean debt and allows Argentina to become solvent with the IMF
the man offers 30 million US dollars to Bolivia for social purposes
the man says that we are ready to withstand the imperial invasion
the man is the support of socialism Cuban style
Venezuela has its "trochabismo" [sic]
¡No pasarán!
explicative notes:
Trochabismo: pun, conveying the sense that the Chavez way lead us to the abysm through this very symbolic emergenreplace to repalce the main Venezuelan highway.
¡No pasarán! : very famous leftist slogan, used in all of Latin America to signifiy that oppression shall not pass. How appropriate, ain't it so?
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