Monday, July 10, 2006

France lost the World Cup, back to Venezuela

France lost the World Cup a few hours ago and thus I must consider my return to more regular coverage of Venezuela. While our attention was distracted by Germany Chavez played ugly, so ugly that it makes the Italian foul game look rather innocent.

During this past month and a half, besides the few things I managed to cover here and there, we had, in no particular order of importance:

  • Useless weapons purchases, with probably lots of juicy commissions
  • Some of these weapons destined to arm thousand of youth trained in Cuba. We will now have a militia as in Cuba. Can't wait until they start putting pressure on sectors of the civilian population.
  • Many opposition members felt increased pressure on them on the most specious pretense.
  • Ethics reach a new low. A judge was barred from looking into the ex-governor Lapi trial because she had a role in his adminsitration. Isaias Rodriguez, the ex vice president of Chavez, remains in office and is barred from no case investigation.
  • Chavez gave away Venezuela to the Mercosur.
  • Millions in bad Argentina debt were purchased by Venezuela.
  • The BCV allowed a significant report on inflation hike, probably expecting it to be lost in the brouhaha of the World Cup final.
  • The CNE kept tightening its rope as the opposition increased its division. Still, basically useless as Chavez seems to move towards finding excuses to cancel election outright.

And more, much more, but tonight I am grieving the French loss, the sad ending of Zidane career, dealing with too much white wine this afternoon.

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