Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Sunday 5, January 2003

> I wonder if Cubans in the US have a more realistic view of the situation.
[from JoAnne reply]

This is an interesting comment. As it turns out I was having one of my long sessions with a friend trying to explain stuff about the US. The point is that my friend did not understand why within the US there was no more support for anti Chavez folks. I had to explain things about the sacred holidays there, the Iraq obsession, the change in Senate majority, the different caucus systems in congress, in particular the Black caucus that has supported Chavez a lot since April 11. Of course he asked me if there were a caucus willing to pick up Venezuelan cause. I had to think about that. There are a few groups but there is no umbrella organization with the noise power of the Black caucus. Actually I even came to say that if the Cubans US were too strong against Chavez it could backfire.

Indeed Cubans are quite in the know. There are many Cubans in Venezuela that fled from Castro so I am sure that they have warned Miami Cubans of that deja vu all over again. And this has been seen on some Miami papers. But I think that Cuban clout does not reach far enough to help Venezuela. Perhaps they have enough problems with Black Caucus because of racial problems in Miami? Perhaps they got the word that all what Bush wants is oil? Perhaps they are pissed off at Venezuela who has been too lenient with Castro since the 70ies? As for Mexican Americans, well, they have enough problems of their own.....

I am sure that Cuban Americans are helping a lot. There is a sizable Venezuelan colony in Miami and for example Carmona has taken refuge there for a while. As well as the ex president that Chavez tried to kick out in 1992. But lately the Cuban extremism (see Elian story) has perhaps dampened their enthusiasm for other adventures.

Side note: apparently in the very diminished oil exports (no more than 10% of what normally leaves) the Chavez people have managed to send a tanker to Cuba today. Perhaps Americans should be made aware that Cuba (who owes loads of arrears to Venezuela, of course) gets more priority than the very own Venezuela Citgo in the US....... And the US consumer.

Perhaps it is time to inform your congressperson and senator that Chavez does not care if prices go up in the US.

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