Wednesday, March 03, 2004

The OAS and the Carter Center declare

They do not agree with the decision of the CNE. They admit that they have advised against the CNE position several times. They say that the process had ALREADY enough controls. That is, in diplomatic language, they consider the decision wrong, wrong, wrong, not to say fraudulent!

They want the opposition to keep discussing the terms a little bit more. They are willing to keep facilitating as long as people want them to facilitate. They are not bailing out yet but they are definitely not making any promises, in diplomatic terms again.

They do insist that the scheme can only work if a maximum of facility and ease are given to the people (remember, a lot of the controversial signatures are from elderly people that had to ask for help, or that could not go to sign, etc... The process has to be made as accessible as possible).

Things are going to difficult, in spite of all their exhortation to the people to remain in peace and to remain in the process. But I must admit that I like very much Ms. Jennifer McCoy from the Carter Center and Mr. Fernando Jaramillo from the OAS. Well, I admire them for keeping their temple in front of all the garbage they must mull through.

Now, for the opposition statement.

By the way, this blogger, on the sharp edge of the news, is writing this post as the declaration progresses. Real time folks!

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