The vandalism of some chavistas
The Fernando Peñalver Park is one of the great urban project of Venezuela. The Salas dynasty revamped a lost area trapped between the highway and the downtown districts of Valencia to create one of the nicest parks of Venezuela. A sight always greatly enjoyed by this blogger on his way to or from San Felipe. But as soon as Salas Feo was cheated out of his governor job, some barbarian scum, for lack of a better word suitable for this family oriented blog, came to deface the dedicatory monument of the park. One fails to understand why such an anger, why such barbarity as that park was an ASSET TO ALL, ALL, in Valencia. (courtesy of Venezuela Today)
Currency exchange control and chavista hypocrites
This item from Gustavo Coronel,, (sorry, blogger is messed up!) is not to be missed. The art of pasing the buck and blaming the victim.
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