Monday, November 01, 2004

Calling it off for the night

On TV Chavez is giving his usual Bull S--- that he loves all Venezuelans and that we are all brothers. Been there, done that, hated it... Then he moves on to speak about the "irreversibility" of the tendencies given by the CNE. And he says that he recognized the "irreversibility" the day after the signatures collection process. Yeah, right, as the OAS and the Carter Center put the knife under his throat. But his aim is elsewhere, he is preparing us for something. Fraud is in the air again, at least this time we were expecting it.

Televen was the exception as it let Bolivar's governor speak and say that he also was contesting the result. It is all very simple, I saw when the witnesses of a given party were getting a receipt with the result of a given ballot center. It should be easy to collate all of them and show them to prove their point. We shall see.

And then Televen went back to Chavez's speech. And the words of love were already forgotten as Chavez excoriated the vanquished. At least now my blood pressure does not rise anymore, so used I am to the same ritornello.

So I am calling it off for the day. I am exhausted but happy because I did my best to do my citizen duty, and inform the readers of this blog. I voted knowing full well the risks of voting, with no regrets so far. Now it is the turn to the governors of the opposition to prove their claim to victory. If they need me, if they have a case, then I will go to the streets. If not, let the chavista night fall on us.

I cannot leave without making a last comment of regret for Uruguay. They voted for Tabare Vasquez, the head of a leftist coalition. The way Chavez welcomed him to the leadership circles makes me cringe for Uruguayans. I do think that Uruguayans are better organized and more democratic than today's Venezuelans. But I have the strange feeling that Vasquez is closer to Chavez than to Lula or Kirchener. I hope that I am wrong.

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