Thursday, April 07, 2005

More about chavismo propaganda monies

That Universal Expediente surely has rattled the nerves of chavismo. EL Universal even published a letter from Justin Delacour, one of the supposed "hired pens" who was interestingly more focused on indirectly justifying chavismo propaganda expenses rather than clearing up his name. I could of course point out that Delacour is using his Chavez connection to pursue his academic career, as it is the practice in the US academic world, not quite understood for the average José in Venezuela, a payback of sorts even if his grant pays for the official expenses when he tavels to Venezuela. But that is fair when you know the system as long as one does not pretend to virginal status.

But when private citizens keep unhearthing yet more info, you wonder how far this go, and how hypocrit Izarra really was. Surely to be followed.

PS: note by the way how fast and complete was El Universal publication of Delacour's letter. Something not likley to be seen in, say, VEA, who trashes with total impunity whomever they please in the opposition, from SUMATE down.

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