The Venezuelan London Ambassador did not waste any time in condemning these attacks, mercyfully!
However I did write this a little bit fast.
I was very disappointed that Paris did not get the Olympics. After all with friends and relatives in Paris I was already seen myself in arguably the most beautiful city of the world finally attending some Olympic event. But I also understood that London was a more multicultural city, a more happening one since the economy of the UK did a great turn around and went from the "sick man of Europe" to the most dynamic one once Tony Blair had the good sense to limit himself to correct what Thatcher could not or would not do. London is the most cosmopolitan city of the world now, the only real positive legacy of the British Empire, and thus a natural for high finance to Olympics game. And the more after the French said NO to Europe (Paris said yes, and has a popular socialist openly gay mayor, but that was not enough to compensate for Chirac blunders).
And thus also a natural target for mediocre Islamist terrorists, who cannot forgive Britain to allow Muslim Pakistani women to create great fortunes, or to participate half naked in a sports event to the acclaim of the crowds. These cowardly bombings actually help justify Blair policies. The perpetrators might be disapointed by the results: Londoners survived the Blitz.
Meanwhile, in March 11 we were all Spaniards, tonight we are Londoners.
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