At any rate, the game seems to have been a tough game, judging from this picture (aerial of course, as I like them) where surely at least someone was hurting afterwards.
To end this post, I would like to point out that a colleague blogger of mine with whom I share many of my political views and who I greatly appreciate seems to know less about football than what he pretends to know. His predictions for the day where harshly countered. He should stick to politics :) Of course, I am too much of a coward to dare predict scores the way he does.... :( Though I agree with him in that I was giving Sweden winning. Still I think he grossly understimates the CONCACAF. The great thing about that FIFA system is that small countries with very hungry players bring a lot of interest to the Cup, whereas big countries are victims of some of their players whose legs being worth millions in insurance money are, well, how could I put that nicely, not as "hungry". This is exactly what happened to France and Argentina 4 years ago, tired, listless, riskless teams that got what they deserved.
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