The pictures shown now on TV, as I type, are those coming from somewhere in between Plaza Venezuela and Av. Tamanaco. I was out wearlier this morning so I do not know what happened before Av. San Martin. I heard it was not as crowded but this is due that having Venezuelans marching at 9 AM on a Satruday si, well, a challenge for whomever calls fro the march.
Whatever it is, I do not see Chavez making such a hit from above his "carosa de carnaval". Rosales is on foot, for the whole distance. And going towards Petare. These symbols count.
Update: it all went well. The crowds were spectacular, all along the Miranda avenue from Petare to past Altamira. Way more than anything that could fit the Bolivar avenue :)
Even if Rosales was exhausted and did a perfunctory short speech, he did his speech, IN PETARE! Ladrándole en la cueva a Chávez!
That is, Rosales went from one alleged stronghold of Chavez to another one, on foot.
And caraqueños, sifrinos and from the people went along.
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