Saturday, December 09, 2006


It has come to my attention that I have been nominated for the Wizbang Weblog Awards for 2006, in the category "best Latino, Caribbean or South American". Inasmuch as I am very honored that someone has tried and succeeded in getting me in the short list of the ten nominees, I am sorry to say that I decline to run and compete. I think that since I already won the 2004 award, it is not for me to run again.

In fact, I feel very strongly about it, so strongly that I have written for my name to be removed from the list. I think these competitions/awards in good fun are an excellent way to promote new blogs, just as it happened to me 2 years ago. Past winners should simply not run again, or run in another category such as "blogs that kept at it for another year" "best improved blog" or something of the sort. I will remain very content and very honored with that first award which will remain on the right side of this blog even as I will change the overall presentation sometime next year as blogger is forcing me to go on the new blogger mode....

So please, do not vote for me. In fact, I am already going to make an endorsement. I am going to announce that I will everyday go to vote for Babalu. They might be a right wing nut conspiracy for some, but they are holding the good fight against Castro and consequently against Chavez. In fact, they let this Euston Manifesto signer post over there on occasion, even if some must cringe a little bit. Because you see, Val and myself might disagree on many things but we agree on the essential: the rigth to disagree in a free country. I wish I could find half of the tolerance of Babalu and my good friend Val when I visit pro Chavez sites. So, if you are interested in these events and want to do some easy activism, promote Balalu by voting for them as often as you can, once a day for one week.

PS: of course, I cannot endorse my good friend Miguel from the Devil's Excrement because he already won last year. I must be consistent.

-The end-

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