Saturday, December 02, 2006

Crass electoral propaganda fraud in Venezuela

A long time reader, one that has decided to start her own blog shop, has been following closely the evolution of the chavitsa propaganda. In her nice blog she combines short tales and deep scrutiny of political abuses. Bruni also has published a couple of times here, or at Miguel, in English. Today I asked her to translate a recent post of hers so that people who do not read Spanish can have a good appreciation on how tax payer money funds all sort of chavista promotional projects. You'll be the judge.

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The Devil is in the details.-Chapter IX.- Where it is clear that the goverment knew that they were publishing illegal electoral ads.

I have a question for my readers. Please see the three images below, published on December 1st and compare them with the other three images published on November 30.

Is there a difference?

December 1.

November 30

Yes, you are absolutely right...not only there is one black and white image, but the major difference is that the images of December 1st lack the slogan "Con Chavez el Pueblo es el Gobierno" (with Chávez the people are the goverment).

You know why? Because December 1st at 6 a.m. was the deadline for being able to published electoral propaganda.

In other words, the same goverment considers that the thousands of goverment ads with the slogan "With Chavez the people are the goverment" are electoral propaganda. Therefore, that same goverment accepts that, with the tacit approval of the CNE, the Venezuelan State has been paying illegal ads for the Hugo Chavez relection campaign.

The case is so clear that even the famous ads from the Alcaldia have been modified from December 1st. If you pay close attention to the images below, the Alcaldia coat of arms was troncated in its base where before one could read the slogan "With Chavez, just one goverment", as you can see from my image page.

But the old electoral abuses do not die so easily. Even though the following ad appeared on December 1st, look at the T-shirts...

For the 10 millions...

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