El chavismo tiene un problema de épica ya que solo cuenta con los estentóreos intestinales de su héroe en el Museo Militar o en aquel túnel de tren del cual no quiero acordarme. Ni siquiera en su muerte pudo el líder crear un momento de épica, entregándose como lo hizo a unos extranjeros que lo aislaron antes de matarlo. Con el circo del funeral, sus poco iluminados lugartenientes no mejoraron el asunto, pasando luego directo a un trágico vodevil fascista que nos tiene a todos en ascuas, chavistas y no chavistas.
Después de casi 15 años jodiendo al país, lo único que el chavismo ha producido es "!Uh¡ !Ah¡ Chávez no se va" (y se fue) y "a cada 11 le toca su 13". Pues yo no sé lo que tienen que celebrar con eso del 13 de abril, si es que lo celebran en verdad porque lo único positivo para el chavismo fue salirse de ese gran susto. Si vemos bien las cosas, aunque nunca lo sabremos, la "dictadura" de Carmona no duró ni 48 horas y no empezó ni tan mal: se le tenia prohibido participar en las elecciones venideras (en 6 meses) a cualquier mimbro del gobierno de Carmona. Estoy seguro que la constituyente que seguiría el carmonazo hubiese cambiado eso, pero el asunto es que Carmona dio un golpe (DESPUÉS de la salida de Chávez que fue sin golpe, preguntarle a Lucas Rincón) prometiendo que el no se quedaba mas de 6 meses. Chávez desde el principio pidió 12 años y después pasó a vitalicio. Eso es una gran diferencia cualitativa.
El asunto es que con la excusa de abril 2002 el chavismo se arropó indebidamente con un manto de martirio que no le correspondía y que utilizó para vengarse de insultos reales e imaginarios. Que si Carmona tumbó a Chávez, pues cual es el problema de inhabilitar los que me caen mal, de tumbar alcaldes. Que si Carmona disolvió la Asamblea Nacional, pues cual es el problema de quitarle competencias al que no me gusta, como se lo hacen todos los días a Ledezma o a Capriles. Que si el "golpe" de abril violaba la constitución, pues cual es el problema que en la década que siguió Chávez se la violó tantas veces que hoy en día es irreconocible. Que si Carmona desconoció la voluntad del pueblo, pues cual es el problema en que el CNE me permita hacer trampa electoral. Que si Carmona representaba los ladrones de la cuarta, pues cual es el problema en que nosotros robemos mas de lo que se haya robado en toda la historia de Venezuela junta.
Pero he aquí el 12 de febrero de 2014. A partir de ese día unos estudiantes valientes desenmascararon lo vil y ruin del liderazgo chavismo, esa sarta de ladrones, traficantes de drogas, entreguistas de la soberanía, mentirosos violentos y groseros como cualquier fascista que se respete. Desde el 12 se reveló que la cúpula del chavismo es una pudrición, con un olor que sofoca tanto a sus partidarios como a sus oponentes.
A cada 13 le toca su 12, podemos decir ahora.
elegante arco numérico.
ReplyDeleteI would really appreciate it if someone would translate this article to English! Google Translate has its limits... :)
ReplyDeleteThis blog is, unfortunately for some, bilingual because I do not have time to manage a Spanish only blog. It is open but not public because I do not have the time. Just as I have abandoned a facebook page for months now because there is no time. I barely can manage this blog and Twitter.... Sorry.
DeleteNo problem Daniel, keep up the good work!
DeleteAló Momia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prGB4X-NrZM
ReplyDeleteLo que me pone nervioso es que un verdadero capitán irá abajo con su nave del Estado y el pueblo con él...
ReplyDeleteI tried to improve the google
ReplyDeleteIf every 11 deserves its 13, then every 13 deserves its 12
Chavism is today commemorating? ? celebrating? or maybe yearning? the month of April 2002 , a disaster that serves them as their "Bay of Pigs". Because they do not have anything else for an apic except that disaster where Chavez saved himself by sheer luck. Well, when I write "saved himself" I should write "was saved by them" because he was whimpering in his cassocks and in the Orchila beach where they had placed hime because of his incompetence and lack of a conscience. But luckily for Chavez , incompetence on the other side was higher , showing that the Armed Forces of Venezuela are now unable to make a coup d'etat, either in 1992 or in 2002.
Chavism has a problem of their epic because it only has the intestinal raucous of their hero at the Military Museum or at the train tunnel which I do not want to remember . Not even in his death could the leader create a moment of epic , giving in as he did to some foreigners who isolated him before killing him. With the funeral circus, his dim lieutenants did not improve the matter, going straight to a tragic fascistic vaudeville that has us all on edge , both Chavist and anti-Chavist .
After nearly 15 years screwing the country , all that Chavism has produced is "uh! ah! Chaves doesn't leave"[typical Chavist chant] (but he did leave ) and " every 11 deserves its 13" [another typical Chavist slogan] . Well I do not know what they have to celebrate with that April 13 , if they really celebrate it because the only positive for Chavism was to get out of that scare. If look clearly into what happened, although we'll never know , the "dictatorship" of Carmona did not even last 48 hours, and it did not begin too badly : he prohibited to participate in the forecoming election ( within 6 months ) to any government member in the Carmona government. I pretty sure that the constituent after the Carmona coup d'etat would have changed that, but the thing is that Carmona gave a coup (AFTER Chavez left which was voluntary, ask Lucas Rincón ) promising that he would not stay more than 6 months. Chavez asked from the beginning for 12 years and then moved to Lifetime . That's a great qualitative difference .
The point is that under the guise of April 2002 Chavez improperly clothed himelf with a mantle of martyrdom that didn't correspond to him and he used it to avenge real or imagined insults. If Carmona overthrew Chavez, Chavism says what is the problem then disabling those I dislike , to knock mayors. If Carmona dissolved the National Assembly , Chavism says what the problem to take powers away from people that I do not like , as they do every day with Capriles or Ledezma . If the "coup" of April violated the constitution, Chavism says what is the problem that in the following decade that followed Chavez violated it so many times that today it is unrecognizable. If Carmona ignored the will of the people , Chavism says what is the problem when the CNE allows me to do electoral cheating. If Carmona represented the thieves of the fourth republic, Chavism says, then what is the problem that we steal more than has ever been stiles in the whole history of Venezuela.
But here's February 12, 2014 . From that day some brave students unmasked the vile and despicable Chavista leadership, that string of thieves , drug traffickers, people that give away the sovereignty of the country, violent liars and abusive as any self-respecting fascist. Starting on the 12th, it was revealed that the upper echelon of Chavism is rotten with a nauseating odor both for its supporters as for its opponents.
We can say now: "Each 13 deserves its 12."
oops... apic should be epic
ReplyDeletehime should be him
stiles should be stolen