Sunday, October 31, 2004

I voted!

I voted fast. No line whatsoever. I was the third to vote on my REP page, a page that listed 10 people! Thus at 1 AM, with more than half of the voting time gone, the guys at the table told me that abstention was very large, indeed in the 70% range! But driving in front of chavista centers, I did not see lines either... Abstention crosses lines, the consequences of a discredited CNE, the opposition does not feel like going to vote and neither do chavistas as they think their candidate will win anyway...

I am having lunch now and will be back in an hour or so with some pics that I took. By the way, if anyone wants to send me a pic, please do it as JPEG or GIF format and no more than 50 KB!!!! The hotmail box gets full real quick!!!! Please. give me all the necessary details so I know what I am posting.

PS: the local exit polls so far seem to be giving Lapi a huge lead. Deja vu all over again?

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